I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1805 : Chapter 912 Candidate Surrender

"The army of heroes in Guanzhong is here, and there is no foreign enemy in Guanzhong, how can the city fall. /First/post www>

But he didn't believe it, who robbed his city under such circumstances.

"General, it's not the heroes of Guanzhong, but Pang Tong. He led [-] troops out of Hanzhong to attack Yongzhou. The gangs in Mei County surrendered first, but the Lord had no choice but to follow suit." The minister cried loudly when he heard the words.

"Pang Tong, how could Pang Tong leave Hanzhong? Could it be that Liu Zhang in Yizhou is a vegetarian?" Hou Xuan was stunned when he heard this, completely stunned.

Liu Zhang in Yizhou has a hundred thousand soldiers, but he can't do anything to the little Pang Tong? [

"According to the intelligence, Pang Tong went northward after defeating Liu Zhang's [-] elite soldiers." The minister said tearfully.

"Useless stuff." The candidate shouted angrily, wanting to strangle Liu Zhang to death. Not only did this guy fail to accomplish anything, but he actually harmed everyone.

"You just said that Hou Ba surrendered, so he still has the face to send you to see me." Immediately afterwards, the candidate said sternly.Hou Xuan's character is also fierce, he was stunned just now, but now that he came back to his senses, he heard clearly that Hou Ba surrendered, and his heart was naturally full of murderous intent.

It has to be admitted that Cheng Gang and Hou Ba are worried that Cheng Yi and Hou Xuan will kill them after they go back. It is not without reason.

"General, my lord has no choice. Otherwise, how could I give up my great wealth and eat sand with Pang Tong." Chen Fang's heart skipped a beat, and he argued.

"Hmph." Hou Xuan snorted coldly when he heard the words, with a sneer all over his face.This is how troubled times are. Brothers of the same clan, even real brothers, are only a little more than ordinary people can believe.

In times of crisis, they can still sell you.Hou Ba had no choice but to be afraid that he was right, but he surrendered without resisting. This is definitely not a good person.

"Stop talking nonsense. Now that Hou Ba has surrendered. But he sent you here. I'm afraid it's not because he has something to say, but because Pang Tong has something to say to me, and tell me what Pang Tong wants." Hou Xuan was impatient when he heard the words He waved his hand and said.

"General Pang is now stationed in Mei County, so please lead your troops into the old county, and become a horned force with him, in case the heroes of Guanzhong counterattack." Hearing the clever words, the minister was afraid that it would be difficult to get away with it, so he said honestly .

"Understood, you go down first." Hou Xuan waved his hand expressionlessly when he heard the words.

"Promise." Of course, the minister was not reconciled, and opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he couldn't say it, so he had to promise, and retreated helplessly.

After the minister left, the candidate fell into deep thought.Hou Ba surrendered without a fight, which annoyed him. He wished he could kill Hou Ba, but the fact had already happened, so he had to accept the reality.

The problem now is that his family is in Gu County.Hou Xuan is also a hero. Although his family is small in Guxian County, he still has [-] elite soldiers under his tent. It is no problem to find a base after wandering for a while.The age is still young, can give birth to a son again.

In other words, it's okay to give up the family.As long as it's worth it.But the problem is that the current situation is already biased towards the Han Dynasty, so he gave up his family and eventually lost with the heroes of Guanzhong, which is too worthless.

Pang Tong came out of Hanzhong with tens of thousands of elite soldiers. I don't believe this candidate, but logically there must be [-] to [-].Pang Tong is in the west and Liu Feng is in the east.

Under such circumstances, Hou Xuan already felt that the situation was already biased towards the Han Dynasty.Although he didn't know what would happen to the general, he knew that the heroes of Guanzhong could no longer deal with Liu Feng.

This forces candidates to make decisions.

"If you're defeated, it's better to surrender, and you can keep your family safe." The decision flashed in Hou Xuan's eyes, and he immediately ordered: "Come here, gather soldiers."

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