I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1807 : Chapter 913 The heroes are having fun while suffering

"Lord Zhong, we heard that Hou Xuan has returned to the old county of the army. Is it because he wants to monopolize the ten or so cities in Chengyi?" Not long after, Ma Teng, Han Sui, Cheng Yin, Ma Wan, Li Kan, and Liang Xing When everyone came in together, Ma Wan asked immediately after entering.look
"I don't know, the old man just sent someone to ask." Zhong Yao shook his head when he heard the words, and said.

"It must be. Because the old county where he is stationed is close to Mei County, he wants to annex the city left by Cheng Yi to strengthen himself." Although Zhong Yao's tone was uncertain, Ma Wan seemed to have confirmed this. , said angrily.

"My lord, let's send someone to chase after him. The [-]-horse infantry he's nominated can't outrun the cavalry." Liang Xing also had a fiery temper, and said immediately.

"Fighting with him is another firefight, and the heroes of Guanzhong can't afford to lose." Zhong Yao shook his head resolutely and said. [

Immediately afterwards, he warned: "Let the candidate do whatever he wants. At most, we will kill him after the war. At present, the first thing is to stand outside Tongguan and confront Liu Feng."

"No." Hearing this, the heroes' hearts trembled, and they didn't say any more.

On the other hand, the candidate walked about five miles before being overtaken by the chasing horses sent by Zhong Yao.The chasing scale is very small, only a few people.

"General candidate, Mr. Zhong asked why you left without saying goodbye." The leading cavalry shouted.

"It's just that I miss my hometown, and I ask the strong man to bring a message to Mr. Zhong, and say that the general will not forgive him." The candidate in front reined in his horse and stopped, then raised his fist and said.

"No." The cavalryman got the candidate's answer, his expression was fixed, but he didn't say much, promised, and led the crowd to leave.

"Zhong Yao, I'm sorry. The situation is changing, and so am I." The candidate stopped for a moment, took a deep breath, and said.

Immediately afterwards, Hou Xuan resolutely rode the horse and returned to his hometown. After today, he will be the enemy.At the same time, the candidate also understood why Liu Feng said that at the Tongguan Pass.

If there is a fire in the rear, the heroes will definitely break up.Without heroes as wings, Chang'an Zhongyou only has [-] soldiers, and Liu Fengda can lead his troops to attack Chang'an.

This is what Liu Feng said about the decisive battle in Chang'an.

After the chasing rider received a clear answer from the candidate, he immediately returned to the coalition camp and reported the news to Zhong Yao.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, everyone heard the report, and the atmosphere suddenly became extremely dignified.

"First Zhang Heng, then Cheng Yi, Yang Qiu, the candidates. At the time, there were only six of the ten princes in Guanzhong." After a long time, Ma Teng sighed, a little dejected.

At the beginning of the ten-way alliance of princes, the power of the heroes in Guanzhong reached its peak.But since the battle with Liu Feng, four people have gone.Is it really impossible to be like a chicken and a dog?

All the princes in the tent had this doubt about Ma Teng. They had some doubts about Hezhong's attack on Liu Feng.

"It's just that everyone has their own ambitions. The rest of you are all persevering, much stronger than the mob. The combat power has doubled, so you don't have to be so arrogant." Seeing that the atmosphere is not right, Sima Yi said immediately.

"That's right, no matter how you say it, there are still six princes. There are still nearly 20 soldiers and horses to go out this time, let alone the soldiers and horses stationed. The strength is still there, and I am not afraid of Liu Feng." Liang Xing laughed when he heard this. , said.

"Exactly, think about it, Liu Feng said that day that he would fight us in Chang'an City. Now I think it's ridiculous." Cheng Yin said with a smile, having fun with what he thought.

"Hahaha." Thinking of Liu Feng's arrogance that day, everyone burst into laughter.Disdain is abnormal, Chang'an decisive battle, next life. [

However, there are not many happy times.Pang Tong left Hanzhong and attacked Mei County, Gu County.Although the guards surrendered one after another, the news did not leak in a short time.

But there is nothing impenetrable under the sun.Just one day after Hou Xuan returned to the army, the news spread.Suddenly, the princes could no longer laugh.

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