I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1808 : Chapter 914 was disabled by Liu Feng

Chapter 910 The fourth chapter was crippled by Liu Feng

Still in the big tent of the Chinese army, Zhong Yao, Sima Yi, Ma Teng, Han Sui, Cheng Yin, Ma Wan, Li Kan, Liang Xing and others sat in rows. /first/post www>

Just yesterday, a group of people sat together because of the news that the candidate had left. Among the remaining princes, the candidate is not the least powerful, but it is almost the same.

Therefore, the princes expressed some indignation at the candidate's departure, but they didn't care too much.Even make an appointment, and when the fighting is over, all the people will attack and kill the candidates.

But now it's different, Pang Tong is in the west, Liu Feng is in the east, and according to intelligence, Pang Tong has just defeated Liu Zhang, and there seems to be a lot of troops. [

With such a two-sided attack, their situation is more dangerous.The situation has taken a turn for the worse. When the princes raised their troops, did they ever think about today's scene?

Everyone even thought that not long ago, Liu Feng opened his mouth and said wildly that the decisive battle will be in Chang'an.They also laughed that Liu Feng couldn't stand the stimulation, and ended up suffering from insanity and paranoia.

But he didn't want the situation to take a turn for the worse in just such a short period of time.If this situation continues, I am afraid that Liu Feng will really come to Chang'an.

The heroes of Guanzhong are like chickens and dogs.

Whether it was Zhong Yao, Sima Yi or the heroes of Guanzhong, they all felt hot on their faces, as if they had been slapped in the face.It was such a bad feeling.

"The fellow candidate left yesterday. It must be related to this. This fellow was afraid that his old lair would be captured by Pang Tong. Seeing that the situation was getting worse, he was the first to slip away quietly and go to join Pang Tong. Pang Tong , plus the candidates, these two people must be together, there must be no good things. If I knew it, I would have sent a large-scale cavalry yesterday to keep the candidates behind." Cheng Yin said with a look of bad luck.

"Yeah, I knew I had left candidates, but now I'm raising tigers." Ma Wan also said, and glanced at Sima Yi casually.

The so-called gangsters are characterized by fighting against the wind. When the Guanzhong heroes are strong and advancing all the way, everything is nothing.But now it's miserable.

There are only six heroes left in Guanzhong, and Zhong Yao is only a seven-way army, and facing Pang Tong's sneak attack from the rear, the morale of the army is immediately unstable.

Moreover, when the candidates left, they could have chased them down, but Sima Yi persuaded the heroes not to do so for the sake of stability.

In this matter, Sima Yi's judgment is understandable.After all, he is not a true god, he did not expect that Liu Zhang would be defeated so quickly, nor did he expect that Pang Tong would break out of Hanzhong and enter Yongzhou.

Candidates go back to their hometowns, just to stay away from the war, and not to be enemies with them.If they fight rashly, they will only lose soldiers and generals.

What Sima Yi did was right, but now that the situation has changed, Sima Yi's right has also become wrong.

Sima Yi is not a narrow-minded person, he didn't become angry because of this, but he just smiled wryly in his heart. Sure enough, what Liu Feng said was definitely not without reason.

Liu Feng said that he should be more vigilant in the decisive battle in Chang'an.but.

Sima Yi was just silent and bitter, and didn't say much.Because Sima Yi didn't respond, Cheng Yin and Ma Wan felt bored, so they didn't say anything more.

This made the atmosphere fall into silence for a while.Until Han Sui breathed out slowly, glanced at the crowd, and said: "Now we are not worried about Pang Tong going east and joining forces with Liu and Feng, but we should worry about Pang Tong going west, attacking Sanguan, and plundering Jicheng." , Shangbang and other counties. If Mr. Zhong and you can’t come up with a solution, I’m afraid I’m going to return to the army.”

Han Sui's words caused a commotion in the large tent of the Chinese army.There are ten groups of heroes in Guanzhong, but except for Ma Teng, Han Sui Chengyi, Yang Qiu and other large and medium-sized princes, the rest can only be regarded as making up the number of words.

Cheng Yi left, Yang Qiu was killed, everyone could be worried, but they didn't care too much.The departure of candidates can be ignored to some extent. [

But if a great prince like Han Sui left, it would be an actual loss.This time the heroes of Guanzhong sent troops to Tongguan, there were 25 elite soldiers, and Ma Teng and Han Sui occupied 16 of them.

Now there are about 20 elite soldiers left in the Guanzhong heroes. If Han Sui led his troops to leave, the Guanzhong heroes would have only 12 soldiers left.

Of course, everyone didn't want Han Sui to leave, but they felt helpless. You must know that Shangbang, Jicheng and other places are Han Sui's territory, and they are relatively important cities among them. If there is a mistake, it will be a huge loss for Han Sui.

"The situation is changing, changing again and again. Liu Feng defeated Liu Zhang in Hanzhong. Resist Yuan Shao, Duke Wei. If the west is captured by Liu Feng again, I am afraid that the Han Dynasty will rule the world again, and you will die without a place to bury you. Therefore, I ask you to think twice, first consider the overall interests, and then Consider your own interests. When you defeat Liu Feng, you will naturally get back what you lost." Of course, Sima Yi was unwilling to let Han Sui go, and made a last effort, saying very sincerely.

However, sometimes it is not a ghost who can save everything.Sima Yi's biggest obstacle now is that what he is assisting is not a wise king, but a group of mobs.

And, time waits for me.

"Report to the lord, the news from the rear, Hou Ba and Cheng Gang, two people claiming to be generals of the Han Dynasty, led four thousand elite troops to conquer Sanguan, and are currently heading towards Shangbang City."

At this moment, someone entered the main account of the Chinese army and reported to Han Sui.

"Sure enough." Han Sui's expression changed, and he stood up suddenly.

Sima Yi opened his mouth, but he really had nothing to say.Now it is no longer a fantasy, but has already happened.If Pang Tong really gathered the power of Hanzhong to attack these places, Han Sui's territory would be reduced by half.

"If you want to support one side, you must have a foundation. If the foundation does not exist, I am afraid that it will be overthrown immediately. The Han Dynasty, but because the Han Dynasty is too orthodox, it is afraid of being destroyed. Now the city of the old man is about to be lost. I can't control that much anymore. I can only feel sorry for everyone, so I'll take my leave first." Han Sui said, and then left the Chinese army camp without hesitation.

Not long after, a trumpet sounded, and Han Sui was afraid that Han Sui had begun to gather soldiers and planned to leave.

"My city is in Wudu, so there is danger. Since General Han has left, I will take my leave too." Not long after, Liang Xing also left.

Zhang Heng, Cheng Yi, Yang Qiu, Hou Xuan, Han Sui, Liang Xing, and the ten princes, Ma Teng, Ma Wan, Li Kan, and Cheng Yin were the only four left.

Anyone who saw it would be dumbfounded. The heroes of Guanzhong, who are as majestic as a group of tigers, were actually crippled by Liu Feng.

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