I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1810 : Chapter 915 Liu Feng enters Chang'an

Liu Feng looked at the direction in which this army was slowly leaving, but he knew in his heart that this army might be Zhong Yao's Wei army.Recommended [Bai Xiaosheng Novel Network]:
However, the Xiao Suo of the heroes, Zhong Yao's Xiao Suo, is exactly the cause of Liu Feng's excitement.

"The coalition forces have finally disbanded. Pang Shiyuan deserves to be a Jingzhou envoy." Liu Fengchang said with a smile.

Not only Liu Feng was excited, but everyone else was also excited except Jia Xu, who was indifferent.Especially Zhang Heng and Cheng Yi. Looking at the retreating heroes, they were very glad that they made the right choice, otherwise they might end up like these retreating princes.

"General, please order me to march into Chang'an." Wei Yan took a step forward, knelt on one knee in front of Liu Feng, and saluted. [

"The last general asks for orders to march into Chang'an." Dong Gai, Huo Jun, Wang Ping, Zhang Heng, Cheng Yi and other generals all stepped forward when they saw this, and suddenly begged for orders.

"Okay, each of you will bring food and supplies, and gather your troops in Chang'an. In addition, send messengers to Qingni Pass, so that Ma Zhong will lead his troops out." Liu Feng readily agreed, and then cheered up: "The heroes of Guanzhong have The princes of the ten routes also have seven armies in Gu. If you don't believe that Chang'an will not be broken."

"Promise." All civil servants and generals including Jia Xu and Liu Ye agreed in unison.

Not long after, except for Liu Feng, the rest started to move.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow ." The sound of the horn for the expedition sounded, and there was a commotion in Tongguan. Tents, batches of grain, grass, and luggage were loaded into carriages.

"Chang'an." Liu Feng raised his head and looked in the direction of Chang'an, the treasure city that he dreamed of.

This time, not only is Chang'an in sight, but we have actually come into contact with Chang'an, very close, really very close.

Not long after, the army left the customs. Liu Feng rode his horse and held a whip, and headed for Chang'an surrounded by the army. On the way, he met Ma Zhong's army who was ordered to set off from Qingni Pass, and finally assembled Dong Gai, Huo Jun, and Wang Ping. , Zhang Heng, Cheng Yi, Wei Yan, Ma Zhong and other seven armies marched into Chang'an.

When the wind blows and the clouds fly, the seven-way army conquers Chang'an.

In Mei County, the city is still a city, and the people are still those people, but at this moment it has become Pang Tong's lair.

In the east of Mei County, a large army is slowly advancing, the banner in front is "Hou", and the generals under the banner are also candidates.After the candidates retreated with their troops, they passed through Gu County and headed towards Mei County to meet Pang Tong.

Speaking of which, the candidate is in an extremely responsible mood at this moment. Although the candidate has left, he has sent a large army to find out the reality of the coalition forces. He has already learned that the coalition forces have retreated.

The situation for Liu Feng to attack Chang'an has been formed. If Chang'an is captured, the Han Dynasty's territory in the west will be consolidated and expanded, and Liu Zhang will fail again.

The situation in the Han Dynasty is very good, and the candidates should hate it for being a prince, but the newcomer Liu Feng is a little bit happy, so it is complicated.

Not long after walking, Hou Xuan arrived outside the city of Mei County.Right in front, the gate of the city was wide open, and there were many soldiers on both sides, like stars supporting the moon, surrounding one of them.

This man has a strange appearance and a unique temperament.

The candidate immediately knew that this person was Pang Tong, the envoy of Jingzhou, and the general under Liu Feng's account.Thinking about it, the candidate ordered the army to stop advancing, then got off his horse and walked over.

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