I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1811 : Chapter 915 Liu Feng enters Chang'an

"The last general pays his respects to General Pang.
"General Hou is very polite." Pang Tong stepped forward to help the candidate and said with a smile.

"The general came back from afar, and his loyalty is commendable. I thank the general on behalf of the general." Immediately afterwards, Pang Tong said again.Although the words sound a bit harsh, but this is a necessary understanding, the way to elevate candidates has to be said.

"Don't dare." The candidate said cooperatively.

The two parties exchanged pleasantries outside the city for a while, and then entered the hall of the General's Mansion in Mei County together. [

In the hall, after the two sat down with each other, Hou Xuan immediately asked: "General Pang, now that the alliance has withdrawn, Han Sui returned to Jicheng, and the rest of Ma Teng and others returned to their respective camps. Kill Liang Xing to further reduce the number of heroes."

Now that he has defected to the Han Dynasty, and the situation in the Han Dynasty is very good, the candidate has no second thoughts, but is eager to make contributions and save a family background.

"There's more than enough heart, but power is not enough." Pang Tong shook his head when he heard the words, and said.

"General Pang didn't leave Hanzhong with an army of [-]. He was in Mei County, and the county was merged into a gang. Hou Ba's [-] elite soldiers, plus the last general's [-] elite soldiers, amounted to [-]. Why worry about Liang's prosperity. Even Not only can you kill Liang Xing, but you can also compete with Han Sui." The candidate was stunned when he heard the words, puzzled.

"My army is out of Hanzhong, but it's only six thousand, how can we get forty thousand?" Pang Tong said with a smile when he heard this.It's not the same now, the candidates are here and there's nothing to hide.

"What, six thousand?" Hou Xuan opened his eyes wide and exclaimed in surprise.That's unbelievable, 6000 people, only 6000 people.

Cheng Gang and Hou Ba actually rushed to surrender. This is, what the hell is going on.

"The battalion has only 6000 soldiers and horses, plus the generals, generals Chengbang, and General Hou Ba, there are only [-] people. Although he wanted to attack Wudu, he was unable to do so. Moreover, Han Because of the disturbance from the rear, I am afraid that he will return to the army soon. Facing Han Sui's [-] troops, he can only guard Sanguan and is invincible. The most important thing now is not here, but the general's smooth entry into Chang'an. Put all the areas south of the Yellow River and east of Sanguan into the city under the rule of the Han Dynasty." Pang Tong nodded solemnly and said.

The candidate was completely stunned when he heard the words, it really was six thousand, it was really only six thousand.Cheng Gang and Hou Ba missed him, they missed the heroes of Guanzhong.

6000 people, unexpectedly annexed [-] elite soldiers one at a time, and took advantage of the trend to fool him, a prince of the road, with [-] elite soldiers.

This is equivalent to annexing 1 people.The soldiers are bloodless, is this Pang Tonggao, or are they stupid.

Hou Xuan's heart felt as if he had eaten a fly. Liu Feng, the general under Liu Feng's command had such abilities. He was an enemy of Liu Feng, which was simply ridiculous.

"What about the Battle of Hanzhong?" Immediately afterwards, the candidate thought of another question and asked a little nervously.If Pang Tong lied, would the army of Shu King Liu Zhang still be able to survive the Battle of Hanzhong?

In that case, the odds of winning the Han Dynasty would be greatly reduced.

"Don't worry about this, the general. Only [-] of Liu Zhang's [-] elite soldiers are left to retreat to Baishuiguan. There are two generals in Hanzhong, Li Yan and Wang Wei, guarding, with [-] troops." Pang Tong said with a smile.

Hou Xuan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and then bowed and said: "Hou Xuan is convinced, and is willing to be a pawn for the general and the general."

The situation is stronger than people, and you have to obey if you don't accept it.

"The general is a real countryman." Pang Tong praised and heaved a sigh of relief.Candidates are done to appease, if the candidate is upset and rebellious, it's over.

Now he has [-] soldiers and Sanguan Pass, which is enough to deal with Han Sui. [

Chang'an, Chang'an.It's almost in the bag.

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