I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1875 : Chapter 947 Sighing Helplessly


Someone promised, and immediately picked up two heads, soaked them in lime, and hung them on the top of the city.

While hanging the heads left and right, Liu Feng looked up at Yuan Jun's camp not far away.Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang called for battle, which was considered a big opportunity.

Unfortunately, it wasn't entirely successful.If you want to break through this line of defense, you may need a bigger opportunity.

"Xu Shu, wait a little longer. Gu Ruo will lead his troops to Xu County sooner or later." Liu Feng raised his head to look in the direction of Xu County, took a deep breath, and thought to himself. [


Xu County is the former Xu Capital.

Now the situation in Xudu is just like what Liu Feng learned, Yuan Shao has 15 Chen soldiers, Cao Cao has 25 Chen soldiers, a total of [-] troops surrounded Xudu like an iron bucket.

During this period of time, the two armies of Yuan and Wei also stormed Xu County just like Guo Tu attacked Hulao Pass.However, Xu County is different from Hulao. Hulao is just a pass, and there are no people stationed there.

However, there were many people stationed in Xudu. When Cao Cao attacked, there was a lot of movement. Dong Cheng and Xu Shu had already heard the news, so they moved the people within a hundred miles nearby to Xu County.

After Liu Feng conquered the north, he practiced benevolent government and established righteousness, so that the people returned to their hearts.In addition, when Cao Cao invaded and plundered Yuzhou, he killed many people, so that people complained.

These people don't even need Dong Cheng and Xu Shu's recruitment, they automatically stand at the top of the city, plus Xu Shu, Dong Gai, Gan Ning, Wenpin's guards, strong soldiers, wise military advisers are all prepared.

Therefore, although Yuan Jun and Wei Jun's offensive was fierce, they still failed to shake the strong city of Xu County.It seems that the sea is boundless, but the island stands proudly in it, motionless like a rock.

This made Yuan Shao and Cao Cao bothered.

Yuan Shao and Cao Cao cooperated, but the camp did not unite.Yuan Shao's camp was stationed in the north and west, while Cao Cao's camp was stationed in the south and east.

Although the two sent people to communicate with each other, they rarely got together.However, something was different today. Yuan Shao and Cao Cao had a rare meeting to discuss countermeasures.

To the northwest of Xu County, there is a team of hundreds of people walking slowly, including generals on horseback, civil servants, and infantry in armor and spears.

Of course, the most important thing is the two people in the team.These two people have completely different appearances, one has a majestic appearance, a slender figure, and a myriad of manners.

One is short in stature and above average in appearance, a bit inconspicuous in terms of appearance.

However, the aura of the two is even better than the short-looking one.

These two are exactly Yuan Shao and Cao Cao who have been fighting for most of their lives and finally came together because of Liu Feng's rise.

"Dong Cheng is really tenacious." When walking slowly, Cao Cao raised his head involuntarily and looked in the direction of Xu County.

I saw that the city walls of Xu County were covered with blood stains, and there were traces of swords, guns and halberds everywhere. There were countless corpses, limbs and broken arms, and the smell of blood and decay was spreading in the air, which was very pungent and unpleasant.

"Quack, quack." Countless vultures hovered in the sky, unwilling to leave, and let out a sharp cry, which made the hair stand on end. [

"Yes. According to information, Liu Feng deployed [-] troops in Xu County, including three groups of cavalry and three groups of infantry. In name, Dong Cheng was the main force, but in fact Xu Shu was the main force. I thought Xu Shu was the leader. In the lost place, the city of Xu County is not far away. So much so that the three armies are celebrating each other, but they still can't go down for days, I really didn't expect it."

Yuan Shao sighed and said, very helpless.

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