I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1876 : Chapter 948 Yuan Shao also used countermeasures

Chapter 940 Yuan Shao also used countermeasures

"Meng De, anyway, Xu County has been unable to attack for a long time, can we try Gu Na's strategy?" Yuan Shao asked suddenly.

The strategy Yuan Shao mentioned was counterintuitive.

At this moment, the news that Liu Feng forced Chengyi to surrender has not yet spread, but Liu Feng used countermeasures to make Zhang Heng, one of the heroes of Guanzhong, rebel, so that Tongguan changed hands, giving the Han Dynasty a very strong geographical advantage.

This powerful and terrifying effect made Yuan Shao's heart skip a beat, and Dong Cheng also had the conditions to implement it. [

After all, Dong Cheng's eldest son was killed by Liu Feng for treason.Afterwards, Liu Feng tried his best to honor and favor Dong Cheng to show that he still trusted Dong Cheng.

To be honest, Yuan Shao thought Liu Feng was doing the right thing. After all, Dong Chengshuai, a powerful cavalry soldier, is an important general of the Netherlands, so he should not be easily discarded.

But Yuan Shao also judged others by himself, thinking that Dong Cheng would not be grateful to Liu Feng, and even separated from Liu Feng because his eldest son was killed, which would be an opportunity to take advantage of.

At the beginning, Yuan Shao proposed this strategy, but it was rejected by Cao Cao.This time, Yuan Shao was not reconciled and proposed again.

Cao Cao smiled wryly when he heard the words. Cao Cao knew Dong Cheng very well, and he was also a loyal minister.Back then, in order to join his subordinates, Dong Cheng was willing to let his daughter Dong Guiren be humiliated in order to endure the humiliation.

In the Battle of Guandu, Dong Cheng took the coffin out to fight, and became his confidant with a desperate attitude.In the end, he gained his trust, so that Cao Ren was killed.

This man has a sword in his chest and abdomen, and the wonder of Goujian.It is impossible to surrender, and because of this, he declined Yuan Shao last time.

Now that Yuan Shao proposed again, Cao Cao was still not optimistic about it, so he planned to oppose it.

"Da da da."

At this moment, there was a rush of hoofbeats, and soon after, a fast horse rushed in front of the two of them, and the knight immediately got off the horse and said, "Report to my lord, Mr. Guo has official documents."

"Oh?" Yuan Shao and Cao Cao looked at each other, their expressions changed, and then they all got off their horses, and Yuan Shao stepped forward to take the letter.

"Last time, Mr. Guo sent someone to send an official document, saying that the Tiger Prison was crumbling, and the fall was not long. Now the official document has arrived again, but the Tiger Prison has been broken." Cao Cao said with a smile on his face.

"Hmm." Yuan Shao's heart was also filled with anger when he heard the words. If Guo Tu contributed to the Hulao, drove straight into Sili, and Chen Bing Luoyang, then the situation would be very different.

However, when Yuan Shao opened the bamboo slips, the smile on his face froze immediately, and even his hands trembled.

"What's the matter?" Seeing this, Cao Cao secretly thought something was wrong, and asked hastily.

"The continuous attack lasted for several months. Seeing that the Hulao Pass was about to be broken, Liu Feng led his troops to settle in. The result fell short. Guo Tu defended the camp and ordered Lu Kuang, and Lu Xiang called in front of the pass to boost morale and stop Liu Feng. As a result, Lu Kuang, Lu Xiang They were killed by Zhao Yun, and none of the [-] elite soldiers were killed." Yuan Shao gritted his teeth with a livid face.

"Come here, ransack the house of Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang, and move the family to the border county." Immediately afterwards, Yuan Shao yelled sharply.

"No." Left and right agreed, and immediately passed the order to go.

Then, Yuan Shao, the atmosphere before Cao Cao fell into silence for a while. [

"As a result, tens of thousands of soldiers in front of Hulao Pass have been lost, and Liu Feng led his troops to station, and the West does not know what happened. The current situation is very unfavorable to us." After a while, Cao Cao With a sigh, he said.

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