I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1880 : Chapter 950 Xu Shu woke up

Chapter 950 Xu Shu Woke Up

"Okay." After hearing Feng Ji's voice, Yuan Shao jumped up and shouted.

Immediately, Yuan Shao started pacing back and forth, his excitement was beyond words.Standing in front of Yuan Shao, Feng Ji was also full of joy.

However, Yuan Shao is still a generation of heroes. Although he was really stupid before, after the battle of Guandu, Liu Feng's invasion of Hebei, and the loss of Qingzhou, Yuan Shao gradually recovered from mediocrity to his true qualities.

And suspiciousness is the true nature of a hero. [

Therefore, after enjoying the excitement and joy, a wave of doubt gradually replaced it.He communicated with Dong Cheng several times, but they were all completed within one day.

And this Dong Cheng actually told him in the end that both sides would stop the army for three days, and he would consider it.After three days, reply him.This is too simple.

If it goes well, you can become suspicious, which is generally the case for Xiongxiong.

"Does Yuan Tu think it's going too smoothly?" Once doubts arose in his heart, it was not easy to dispel. Seeing the joy and excitement on Yuan Shao's face gradually faded away, he also stopped feeling the deep doubts that replaced it. After pacing, he knelt down again on the handsome seat and asked Feng Ji.

"This." Feng Ji Wenyan also suppressed the joy on his face, and pondered for a while.After a while, he also said solemnly: "If the lord didn't say it, the minister would not have doubted it, but if the lord said so, the minister did have some doubts."

"What if Dong Cheng opened the city gate three days later, led the lone army into the city, and then ambushed them in the city?" Yuan Shao started from suspicion, and even expected that Dong Cheng might have such a problem as an ambush.

"If there is an ambush, the entire army will be destroyed. Losing soldiers and horses will not be good for the general situation." Feng Ji said with a terrified expression.

The more the two chatted, the more confused they became, and the more they suspected that Dong Cheng might be playing tricks and waiting to turn against the general.As a result, the atmosphere gradually became silent and heavy.

"My lord, why don't you let the spies in the city find out what's true." Suddenly, Feng Ji's eyes lit up and he said.

"How to say?" Yuan Shao also cheered up and asked.

"Liu Feng said that Liu Xie returned to Luoyang, the capital, and Xu Du called Xu County. Although the status has declined, the strategy is extremely important, because Xu County is the center of Yuzhou. If Xu County is kept, most of Yuzhou can be kept. If Xu County is lost, There must be no Yuzhou. Therefore, Liu Feng took Hushi General Dong Cheng as the foundation, Xu Shu as the backbone, the mastermind, Wenpin, Gan Ning as the branches, minions, [-] soldiers, and the town of Xu County. Now Xu Shu is lost In the center, lying on the couch. Dong Cheng is in charge of the situation. However, in the city, Wenpin, Gan Ning is a loyal minister of Liu Feng, and a tiger minister. Each fights a hero. Today, the lord and Dong Cheng conspired in correspondence. If Gan Ning, Wenpin won You know, you must question Dong Cheng, or have a grudge with him. This general is out of harmony, and the city is unstable. And if Dong Cheng will follow his plan and want to turn against the general and fight with the lord, he will definitely notify Wenpin and Gan Ning. There must be murderous intentions floating in the city. This is false and true, and we can explore Dong Cheng's plan."

Feng Ji took a deep breath, spit out the thoughts in his heart, and offered suggestions for Yuan Shao.

This inquire into the truth, and know Dong Cheng's plan. Feng Ji is worthy of being a famous minister in Hebei, and has wisdom.

"Okay, contact the spies in the city immediately to find out the truth." Yuan Shao heard the words with bright eyes, and said without hesitation.

"Promise." Feng Ji promised, and then immediately took his leave and went out to make arrangements.

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