I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1881 : Chapter 950 Xu Shu woke up

"If Dong Cheng plans to kill Gu, then Gu will not move. If Dong Cheng sincerely surrenders, Gu will enter the city. This is the perfect strategy." After Feng Ji left, Yuan Shao still had a smile on his face, and stroked his beard.

Somewhat self-satisfied, there are many famous people in Hebei, although Xu You and others have died, Guo Tu is still alive, enough to rival the heroes of the world.

Xu County, Hushi General's Mansion, in the hall.

Dong Cheng closed his eyes slightly, still in deep thought.Just as Feng Ji expected, he will use his strategy to counter the generals. Dong Cheng just lured Yuan Shao's troops into the city and shot and killed one of his troops.

Similarly, Dong Cheng was also thinking about the cooperation between Gan Ning and Wenpin, just as Feng Ji expected, if Wenpin and Gan Ning were not informed of the plan, it would be a disaster. [

Especially Gan Ning, who is rough, impatient, and loyal.It is impossible to hide the correspondence between him and Yuan Shao in front of Gan Ning and others. If Gan Ning knew about it, there might be a fight.

"I need to inform you." Dong Cheng opened his eyes and said.

Thinking about it, Dong Cheng planned to get up, and told his confidants to talk to Gan Ning and Wen Pin.But at this moment, there was a sound of footsteps.

"Da da da."

Immediately afterwards, a maid came in from the outside and reported: "General, Master Xu is awake."

"Oh. Xu Yuanzhi woke up." Dong Cheng was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately put the matter behind him, and it will not be too late to notify him later.

Xu Shu is different, he is a rising star in the Han Dynasty and an important minister of the country.It doesn't matter who he cares about, and then, Dong Cheng is a military commander after all, so he is not so confident about his plans.

At critical moments, you still have to find someone to discuss.Xu Shu woke up just fine.

"Let's go." Dong Cheng shouted, then got up and walked out immediately.He walked so fast that the maid behind could barely keep up.

Xu Shu's family used to have a small family, but after the big Han moved the capital, Xu Shu's mother, wife and wife all went to Luoyang. In normal times, only the extremely concubine was there to take care of Xu Shu.

But Xu Shu was lost, Dong Cheng was afraid that Xu Shu's concubine would not take good care of him, so he simply took Xu Shu to his mansion, took care of him, and placed him in the left wing.

After Dong Cheng left the hall, he left in a hurry, and soon came to the wing.

"En." The first feeling when entering the wing room was the strong smell of medicine, but Dong Cheng quickly ignored it and came to Xu Shu's bed.

There was only one person lying on the couch, but this summer, this person was covered with a thick quilt, his appearance was haggard and pale, as if he had only breath left.

This is exactly Xu Shu who was lost.

However, in the past Xu Shu always had his eyes closed, but now his eyes are open.Seeing Dong Cheng coming, Xu Shu smiled and said, "I'm worrying the general."

The voice is weak, like catkins in the wind.

"This old man and Yuan Zhi are ministers in the same palace, and share the township of Xu County, so why bother with such polite words." Dong Cheng pretended to be displeased when he heard the words, and said.

"It's the last general's fault." Xu Shu said with a smile when he heard the words. [

"Yuan Zhi just woke up, the old man shouldn't bother Yuan Zhi, but this matter is a matter of success or failure, so I ask Yuan Zhi to make a decision." Dong Cheng said a little embarrassed.

"Please tell me, General." Xu Shu straightened his expression when he heard the words, and said.

"Yeah." Dong Cheng nodded, and then spoke out his plan.After finishing speaking, Dong Cheng raised his head and looked at Xu Shu with some expectation.

And Xu Shu fell into deep thought.

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