I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1900 : Chapter 960 Zhang Liao is strong

A Zhang Liao is already like this, how majestic the long-famous Yu Jin, Xu Huang, Zhang Jai, Le Jin and others should be, it is really daunting.

"If the lord has Zhang Liao, why should we be afraid of Zhao Yun's strength?" Guo Tu couldn't help but sighed regretfully.

After glancing at Zhang Liao, Guo Tu shifted his gaze to the soldiers behind Zhang Liao. After just one glance, Guo Tu was deeply attracted.

Strong soldier, this is the real strong soldier.

I saw the soldiers in front, wearing armor and holding spears, following Zhang Liao step by step.His expression was calm, as if he was walking around normally, without any ferocity or bravery. [

But because of this, Guo Tu was attracted.We must know that ordinary weak soldiers will not have such a calm momentum, but most of the soldiers who generally look fierce and look very fierce are actually required to have charts.

On the contrary, this army has a calm look and consistent actions. It is truly experienced and courageous.

There is a saying that is good, quiet as a virgin, moving like thunder and lightning.Once fighting, this army must be Gaiden's elite soldiers, and may not be inferior to Han Wushu.

"A strong general, don't be afraid of Zhao Yun. Liu Feng is a strong soldier." Guo Tu looked at Zhang Liao and the soldiers behind Zhang Liao.

Back then, Guo Tu was also in high spirits. He had Lu Kuang, Lu Xiang and other powerful soldiers under his tent, but when he was defeated, he shrank his head like a tortoise and hid in the camp to delay the battle.

Now he is full of spirits again, and he really feels exasperated. Although this Liao belongs to Cao Cao, this is the only pity.

"Master Guo." In front, Zhang Liao also saw Guo Tu, and knew that Guo Tu would come to greet him, so after seeing Guo Tu, Zhang Liao dismounted from his horse and went forward to greet him in person.

Although brave and valiant, he is also courteous and has the style of a Confucian general.

"General Zhang." Seeing this, Guo Tu hastily returned the salute.Immediately afterwards, Guo Tu's face suddenly revealed a look of joy, and said: "I have heard that General Zhang is a strong general under Wei Gong's tent. I saw it today, and it is true. With General Zhang's help, I should not be afraid of Liu Feng."

"Master Guo is too famous." Zhang Liao said hastily when he heard the words, and then Zhang Liao sighed again, and said: "Although the last general did not fight Liu Feng, he was caught by Liu Feng's plan and lost a lot of troops. The defeated army How dare you speak courageously as a general."

What Zhang Liao said was that in the battle of tunnels, Liu Feng dispatched an army to destroy Zhang Liao, and the tens of thousands of elite soldiers led by Zhang Liao, Zhang Liao and Zhang Jai were able to retreat because of the sharpness of the elite troops under their tent.

Thinking about it now, Zhang Liao's memory is still fresh.

"That's Liu Feng's mental calculation without intention, and it's not a crime of war." Guo Tu also heard about that war, and he couldn't help persuading him.

"If you lose, you lose. What's the point? If you fight Liu Feng for a while today, you will be ashamed." Zhang Liao said with a free and easy smile.

Guo Tu originally thought that Zhang Liao would continue to blame himself, but he didn't expect Zhang Liao to be so free and easy, so he couldn't help being taken aback, and then said sincerely: "General Zhang is strong."

After talking for a while, it was time to go to camp.

"It's getting late, and we're going to camp again. General Zhang, please come back to the camp with me." Guo Tu glanced at the sky and said.

"Thank you, my lord." Zhang Liao clasped his fists upon hearing this.

Immediately, Guo Tu and Zhang Liao mounted their horses together and led the army towards Yuanying. [

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