I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1901 : Chapter 961 Desire to win Zhang Liao

Chapter 960 Desire to win Zhang Liao

The sky is slanting to the west, and it is slowly falling into the mountains.

On the land, there is a straight road leading from north to south, surrounded by vast wilderness and overgrown with weeds.Guo Tu and Zhang Liao rode their horses side by side, and led their troops on the straight road, heading slowly towards Yuan Jun's camp.

"General Zhang, are you going to settle in our camp?" Along the way, Guo Tu was full of affection for Zhang Liao, and while he was talking, Guo Tu suddenly asked.

"It's embarrassing to say, because Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang underestimated the enemy and were killed, and all the soldiers under their tent were killed. At present, the camp is empty. If General Zhang enters, it will just fill up the camp." Immediately afterwards, Guo Tu laughed at himself again. road. [

Along the way, Guo Tu chatted with Zhang Liao, and appreciated Zhang Liao more and more. He was humble, brave, and a great general. Now thinking of Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang, it is really a joke.

Because of his appreciation, Guo Tu had an evil thought in his heart.That's why Guo Tu became more affectionate along the way, and that's why he said these words.

The implication is very obvious, it is equivalent to saying that my generals of the Yuan family, Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang, have died, the camp is empty, and there is a shortage of generals. If the general can enter, the Yuan family will definitely be kind.

A hero like Zhang Liao is like a magnet, and has a fatal attraction for the people around him.

"In your camp, there are enough soldiers and horses, [-] to [-], and there is no need for the general to do more defense. The general will go down to the camp at a close distance, and form a corner with your camp, forming a pincer attack on the tiger prison, which is even more blocked. Stay in Liu Feng's way, this is the best policy." Zhang Liao was brave and smart, so he couldn't understand Guo Tu's solicitation, so he declined.

"It's a pity that we can't share the same battalion with the general." Hearing this, Guo Tu knew what Zhang Liao wanted, so he looked up to the sky and sighed.

"Although we can't share the same battalion with the general, we can still fight Liu Feng together. It's a pleasure." Zhang Liao said with a slight smile when he heard the words.

"Hahaha." Guo Tu laughed loudly when he heard the words, but thought in his heart, this is a loyal general, and it is not easy to surrender.Unless you can lure your troops into ambush and capture them with a large number of people in the ranks, you may be able to surrender.

While the two were talking, the crowd slowly arrived near Yuan Ying.Immediately, Zhang Liao and Guo Tu searched for a place to set up camp.

This place is very close to the Hulao, and it is close to Yuan Ying, forming horns with each other, which greatly narrows the way for Liu Feng to leave the customs.

When Zhang Liao arrived, such a big commotion couldn't be hidden from Liu Feng's spies.

The tiger prison was closed, and there were soldiers patrolling, and the guards were very strict.However, these soldiers were all wearing armor and holding spears, and they were not the personal soldiers of the king's general, but soldiers of Zhao Yun's main battalion.

Last time, Guo Tu knocked on the pass, leaving only dozens of soldiers around Zhao Yun dead or injured. Liu Feng reported to the emperor and arranged for [-] soldiers from the field to replenish Zhao Yun's soldiers.

The soldiers have arrived, Zhao Yun has divided the soldiers into two halves, one half is responsible for guarding the pass, and the other half is training in the pass.

Therefore, the patrolling soldiers at Hulao Pass were all replaced by Zhao Yun's soldiers, while Liu Feng's personal soldiers retreated to recharge their batteries.

"Da da da."

"Ding ding ding."

At the moment of silence, there was suddenly the sound of heavy footsteps and the sound of armor scales hitting.After a while, a group of people came up from behind.

At first there were five people, two literati and two military generals, surrounded by a young man who was also wearing armor but was young. [

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