I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1902 : Chapter 961 Desire to win Zhang Liao

This group of people were Liu Feng, Dong Gai, Zhao Yun, Jia Xu, Liu Ye and others who received the news.

After stepping on the pass, Liu Feng led the crowd to the female wall, and he looked into the distance.Hulao Pass, facing east from west.There are endless mountains in the north and south, and there is a flat river in the east and west directions.

Looking at the east from here, it is suddenly clear, it is a big place that stretches endlessly.

But at this moment, there was disharmony, the tents in front stretched for more than ten miles, if Liu Feng wanted to break out of the tiger prison, he had to break through the small gaps between the north and south on both sides.

But at this moment, Zhang Liao camped in the south, blocking a gap.If Liu Feng wanted to break through the encirclement smoothly, he had to go north, but Xu County was in the south. [

This is tantamount to blocking Liu Feng's way out of customs.Liu Feng couldn't help but feel heavy.However, immediately afterwards, Liu Feng's mood was attracted by Zhang Liao.

For Zhang Liao, Liu Feng is of course like thunder.Last time, he set up a trick to win Zhang Liao by chance, and opened his jaw for a while, but Zhang Liao fought and retreated with Zhang Jaw, and successfully escaped.

His ability to command troops is really terrifying.

However, these are what Liu Feng heard.Today was the first time Liu Feng saw Zhang Liao setting up his camp. In fact, to judge whether a general is capable, he did not first judge whether the soldiers under his tent were elite, but whether the general knew how to arrange troops.

And setting up camp is the most important thing.Regarding the kung fu of setting up a camp, Liu Feng definitely has some experience, and he is an expert at the moment.

After standing there for a while, Liu Feng felt terrified and moved, and exclaimed, "This is really a genius."

At this moment, Zhang Liao's tent has not yet been set up, but he has already started to set up the formation. The camp is well connected, and there are hidden murderous intentions.

Unobstructed can make the rapid deployment of troops, so that the soldiers will not be overwhelmed after encountering an emergency.Hidden murderous intentions can set up ambushes in the camp, please enter the urn.

Zhang Liao's cloth battalion has already reached the essence.What a genius.

Except for Dong Gai who is still young and not very well-learned, the others present are all veterans in the army, and their skills in arranging troops are first-rate.

Naturally, he could see Zhang Liaobu's way of life, and when he heard Liu Feng's exclamation, he nodded involuntarily, agreeing very much.

"It's a pity that Zhang Liao is loyal and subordinate to Cao Cao." Immediately afterwards, Liu Feng sighed again. "Ah." After a while, Liu Feng couldn't help sighing again, and said: "At the beginning when the soldiers left the Guanzhong, Ma Chao was majestic, and he cut off the left and right from the army. He was so strong. Now I see Zhang Liao, a genius like him. I wish I could Born ten years earlier, how can such a good general become a thief."

Liu Feng was totally inspired. He fought against Ma Teng, Han Sui and others in Guanzhong. He forced Cheng Yi to surrender. Ma Chao, Pang De, and Yan Xing led their troops to pursue and fought with Dong Gai, Zhang Heng and others. .

It was night as dark as ink, and if the fighting lasted for a long time, it would be difficult to guarantee that the army would be defeated.So the three decided to retreat, and Ma Chao broke the rear alone, majestic and mighty.

Liu Feng once sighed, this is a real tiger general, he should be captured alive alone.

Just like today's Zhang Liao, you can ask for it, but you can't get it.Especially Zhang Liao, after Ma Chao was cut off, he had some opportunities to get it, but what about Zhang Liao>

How can it be captured like that?Zhang Liao is loyal, and it is unlikely that he will divorce him.

However, Liu Feng's heart was really hot, he still couldn't help the urge to move in his heart, and he couldn't calm down, so that he turned his head by accident, and asked everyone: "Can you have a plan to capture him alive?"

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