I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1903 : Chapter 962 Jia Xu designed to capture Zhang Liao?

Chapter 960: Can Jia Xu Design Capture Zhang Liao?


Zhao Yun and Dong Gai were distressed, but Liu Ye persuaded them: "General, Guo Tu and Zhang Liao are stationed outside, and it is difficult for us to stand out. Cao Cao and Yuan Shao led an army of hundreds of thousands to besiege Xu County, which is at stake. At this time, let's consider how to cut the door to stand out."

"Hmm." Liu Feng had to admit that what Liu Ye said was very reasonable. Youdao said that people's hearts are not enough to swallow an elephant, and now it is necessary to cut the door first and rush out. It is not practical to capture Zhang Liao.

Thinking of this, Liu Feng planned to lure everyone down the pass, and went back to the General's Mansion to discuss how to break through the city. [

At this moment, Liu Feng suddenly caught a glimpse of Jia Xu, and saw Jia Xu's eyes shining brightly, as if thinking deeply.

"Does Wenhe have a good strategy?" Liu Feng asked with a bright eye.

"Cutting out the gate and capturing Zhang Liao are not in conflict. You may have both." Jia Xu said after hearing the words.

This is what Jia Xu has in mind.Liu Feng was overjoyed when he heard the words, and asked, "Please also invite Wen He Jiaogu."

"We have to wait for news from Xu County before we can make a judgment." Jia Xu replied after hearing the words.

"Why?" Liu Feng was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked.

Ever since Guo Tu led the crowd to besiege Hulao, Zhao Yun has been on the defensive, cutting off the connection between Xu County, and now what is going on in Xu County, Liu Feng does not know.

Therefore, after the Hulao was stabilized, Liu Feng immediately sent someone to Xu County to inquire about the news, but there is no news yet.

"If you want to capture Zhang Liao, set up an ambush to form a group of us and Liao widows, or suddenly break out to break up the Liao army and surround Zhang Liao. That's all. But now the general is trapped in a tiger prison and can't get out. This ambush is impossible. Yes, unless the general is willing to waste time and act at night, dispatching more than a hundred people overnight to quietly walk out of the tiger prison, so that 3000 people can get out of the tiger prison in a month. Three thousand ambush soldiers are enough to capture Zhang Liao. And this requires Xu County to be able to Hold on for that long."

Jia Xu replied.

Jia Xu's strategy is actually very simple, which is to break the whole into parts.The army is huge and the momentum is too strong, it is not easy to get out of the prison.

But it's very simple to break it up into parts, and just go out with a small group of people.

But this has a lot of limitations. Guo Tu led the army to besiege the Hulao, which is extremely strict. Even a fly can hardly fly out.Although the goal of more than a hundred soldiers and horses is much smaller, it is still full of difficulties.

The most important thing is that this plan will last for one month, even if something happens in just one day, I'm afraid it will fall short.

Therefore, Liu Feng hesitated after hearing this, but this hesitation was quickly forgotten by Liu Feng.After all, if Zhang Liao can be born, this little risk is nothing.

"Okay, then I'll just wait for the news quietly." Liu Feng nodded without hesitation and said.

Immediately, Liu Feng turned his head to look to the south again, and saw that Zhang Liao's camp was being set up bit by bit, and soon a camp extending in all directions and hiding murderous intentions was erected, standing tall in the sky and earth, overlooking all heroes.

"If Zhang Liao wins, the Han Dynasty will have more wings." Liu Feng groaned with his chest agitated.

After standing still for a while, Liu Feng led the crowd back to the pass. [

That is to say, if he wanted to capture Zhang Liao, he had to obtain information from Xu County first, and there were hundreds of thousands of troops entrenched outside Xu County. It was so easy for the spies to obtain the information and distribute it. Liu Feng knew that he had a long wait ahead of him. .

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