I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1905 : Chapter 963 Layout to Capture Zhang Liao

Chapter 960 Three Layouts to Capture Zhang Liao

"Zi Yang, hurry up and teach Gu." Liu Feng said with his eyes brightened upon hearing this.

"The city of Xu County is besieged on all sides, and there is no news from inside and outside. Even the general can only send spies around Weiying and Yuanying to inquire about news. You can't directly communicate with the general of the hussars, let alone the general of the hussars. The city is broken, and the news is even scarcer." Liu Ye said with a smile.

"I understand." After Liu Ye's reminder, Liu Feng immediately came to his senses, slapped his head, and said with a smile: "If Zi Yang hadn't reminded me, I would have almost missed a big deal."

"Come here, send someone to write an article immediately, telling Dong Chenggu the news of defeating Liu Zhang, defeating the heroes of Guanzhong, capturing Chang'an, and capturing Zhong Yao. Go east and kill Lu Kuang, Lu Xiang, and destroy Guotu. After writing, divide it into thirty copies , dispatch thirty spies, with arrow letters and dry food, to rush into Xu County, and shoot arrows into the city, so as to motivate the soldiers in the city to guard the city." Liu Feng shouted. [

"No." Left and right agreed, and went down to deliver the order.

"In Xu County, because of Dong Cheng's plan, Yuan Shao was defeated and morale was greatly boosted. If you know that you have solved the predicament in the west and captured Chang'an, your morale will be like a rainbow. As long as Dong Cheng gives a little guidance, Xu County will have no trouble. I'm worried." After sending people down, Liu Feng felt relieved, and smiled in the direction of Xu County.

"Exactly." Liu Ye said with a slight smile upon hearing this.

"Haha." Liu Feng laughed, then turned his head and said to Dong Gai: "Since Xu County can be stabilized, then immediately start planning to capture Zhang Liao. Immediately go down and prepare, break it up into parts, and start out from tonight." close."

"No." Dong Gai promised, and immediately turned and walked down.

Although Jia Xu's strategy is very risky and has a high probability of failure, it does not affect Liu Feng's expectations.

"Zhang Wenyuan." After Dong Gai went down, Liu Feng looked in the direction of Zhang Liao's camp and stretched out five fingers, as if holding the entire Zhang Liao camp in his hands.

The famous general Zhang Liao had no way to escape.

Zhang Liao's camp is almost finished.

It was very late now, and it was almost time for dinner. After finishing their work, many soldiers began to enter the tents, waiting for their meals.

On the other hand, Zhang Liao led dozens of soldiers to patrol the camp, very meticulous.

"Is that Liu Feng?" When Liu Feng was watching Zhang Liao, Zhang Liao seemed to be aware of it, raised his head to look in the direction of Hulao, and vaguely saw a person.Can't help secretly.

Zhang Liao didn't know that Liu Feng was plotting to capture him.

Before Zhang Liao entered Hulao Pass, except for blocking Liu Feng's way out, there was not much movement, and Guo Tu was the same.On the contrary, Liu Feng was full of thoughts, wanting to win a general.

After Liu Feng and others returned to the General's Mansion, Liu Feng did not wave away the crowd, but led them into the study and took out a map.


Liu Feng put the map on the ground, and then motioned for everyone to sit around the map.

"No." Everyone agreed, and they all sat down on their knees.After everyone sat down, Liu Feng raised his head and glanced at it, then pointed to the map and said, "This is the map near Hulao Pass. Let's study it and see where it is suitable for an ambush."

"General Zilong has been in Hulao for many years, and he should be more familiar with the terrain in this area than I am." Liu Ye raised his head and looked at Zhao Yun, and said. [

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