I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1906 : Chapter 963 Layout to Capture Zhang Liao

Then, Liu Feng and Jia Xu also cast their gazes on Zhao Yun.

Facing everyone's eyes, Zhao Yun pondered for a moment, then pointed to a point on the map, and said, "This place."

"Dingkun Mountain?" Everyone looked intently and saw three words.

"Yes, Dingkun Mountain. There are many mountains here and there are few people. It is not difficult to hide three thousand elite soldiers. If Zhang Liao passes by, the three thousand elite soldiers will be condescending. If you attack them quickly, it will not be difficult to capture Zhang Liao." Zhao Yun nodded and said.

"Okay, then hide the soldiers here. At the foot of Dingkun Mountain, capture Zhang Liao." Liu Feng nodded and said. [

"No." Everyone suddenly agreed.

The red sun gradually fell, and night began to fall.

In Hulao Pass, the soldiers also began to eat, and then went to the camp to rest.In this way, another three hours passed.At this moment, the sky is already very dark, and the weather is not good. The moon is hazy under the cover of floating clouds, and the stars are also very dim.

For ordinary people, such weather is very bad.But for Liu Feng, this kind of weather is very good, very suitable for sneaking.

Inside Hulao Pass, near the gate.Torches were lit all around, illuminating the place very brightly.

A group of soldiers stood in front of the crowd, numbering 130, divided into two parts. Most of them were dressed in armor, held mo knives, crossbows pinned to their waists, arrows, dry food, etc. on their backs.

The other part is wearing ordinary leather armor, carrying a bow and arrow, and holding a short knife.

Most of them were soldiers of General Wang Shang, and the rest were spies who Liu Feng was going to deliver news to the head of Xu County.

In front of them, there is also a golden-armored general, this is Liu Feng's personal general, Dong Gai.

Night dive with three thousand soldiers to go out of the customs and lay an ambush against Zhang Liao. If there are no generals guarding them, Liu Feng will not be at ease.

"Deploying troops and dispatching generals, I won't say anything unnecessary. You must be careful. Don't let Yuan Jun's spies find your traces."

Liu Feng looked up at everyone, took a deep breath, and said.


All 130 people, including Dong Gai, all agreed.

"Go." Seeing this, Liu Feng relaxed slightly and waved his hand.

"Take care, General." Dong Gai clasped his fists at Liu Feng, and then led the crowd away.

"Take care." Liu Feng also thought to himself.

After Dong Gai led the crowd to leave, he did not leave the pass through the main entrance. There was too much movement through the main entrance, so he had to go down from the top of the pass with a rope.

After arriving at the top of the pass, Dong Gai was the first group. First, some soldiers tied Dong Gai with thick ropes. After ensuring safety, Dong Gai was left under the pass little by little. [

In the darkness, Dong Gai descended little by little until he landed safely, as if he were a thief.After landing, Dong Gai untied the rope, pulled the rope down again, and told the people above that he was fine.

The rest of the soldiers who came down with Dong Gai also did like Dong Gai.Soon after, the ropes were all taken up.The next batch went down again.

Soon, all 130 people were brought down, and it took a quarter of an hour.

When everything was ready, Dong Gai first looked at the east, and saw that there were many tents in the east, brightly lit. Dong Gai only took one look, then looked north.

That's the way out.

"Go." Dong Gai said, leading everyone to go north.

"Da da da."

The 130 people behind also followed Dong Gai to the north with brisk steps.

A group of people embarked on the road to capture Zhang Liao.

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