I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1907 : Chapter 964 Dispatch

Chapter 960: Dispatch

The dawn breaks and dispels the darkness.

In the north of Hulao Pass, a team is slowly walking eastward.

There are 130 people in this team, 100 of them are holding Mo Dao and wearing iron armor.The remaining 30 people were dressed in leather armor and held bows and arrows. They followed a general in golden armor and walked slowly towards the east.

This team is Dong Gai and his party who lurked out of the tiger prison overnight.Yuan Jun's camp was more than ten miles long, and they walked northward for twenty or thirty miles before turning east. [

The sound of the Yellow River rushing can already be heard here.

When the group walked eastward for thirty miles, Dong Gai raised his head, glanced at the thirty spies, and finally landed on one of the particularly tough ones, and said, "Wu Kang, let's break up here. Go ahead. You lead people to Xu County to shoot information into the city, remember to be careful all the way, because you may encounter the enemy's grain transport army."

Wu Kang was the leader of the thirty spies, and he was a Dubo.He has been in the army for several years, his ability is average, but he is loyal and loyal.

"Promise." After listening to Dong Gai's order, Wu Kang agreed, and then led the crowd to leave to the southwest.

"Let's go too." After Wu Kang and others left, Dong Gai also said, and headed south.

One person, 130, parted ways and tried their best for Liu Feng.

Dong Gai and others went to Dingkun Mountain to ambush for a long time, let's not mention it for the time being.After Wu Kang led the remaining 29 spies to separate from Dong Gai, they headed southwest all the way, picking out remote roads.

They walked for seven or eight days in total. At first they ate dry food, and later they hunted and ate by themselves.Along the way, they arrived outside the city of Xu County without any danger.

Today, the weather is fine.

Northwest of Xu County, near a hill.The spies are gathering Wu Kang and others together, listening to Wu Kang's assignment.

"There are Yuan Shao and Cao Cao's hundreds of thousands of troops in front of them. They have surrounded the city walls tightly. If a large army is dispatched, it is naturally impossible to break in. But we are small, and we are divided into four teams in the middle of the night. , southwest, southeast, northeast four directions, Yuan Shao, Cao Cao's barracks gap, groping forward, most of them should be able to reach the city wall. After that, we will shoot the arrows into the city and complete the task."

Wu Kang also looked at the crowd, took a deep breath, and said.

"No." Everyone silently agreed.

"I know there will be risks this time, but you should also think about your family, relatives and friends. Today, only the general has the appearance of a benevolent king. If the general can stabilize the four directions, the world will be peaceful. Both you and my family can be healthy, Not for our own fame and fortune, even if we are family members, relatives and friends, we must fight outside the city wall to encourage ourselves, and we will be victorious in every battle."

Wu Kang's face suddenly revealed a firm look, with a bit of provocation, he shouted.

As Wu Kang said, the chaos of the Han Dynasty has lasted for decades, the world is in chaos, and people's minds are stable.Liu Feng set up troops in Xinye, and appointed Sili, which already has the air of an unrivaled emperor.

The people under the rule are willing to submit, but Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and others are actually ambitious elements who intend to disrupt the world.

It is precisely because many people under his rule think so that the morale of Liu Feng's army has always been so high.

"Promise." Wu Kang's provocative words immediately excited the surrounding soldiers, and they agreed with a loud noise. [

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