I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1908 : Chapter 964 Dispatch

"Okay, let's eat first, and wait for the night to go." Seeing this, Wu Kang suddenly nodded and said with a smile on his face.

The night once again shrouded the sky and the earth. In the north of Xu County, the soldiers were patrolling vigorously.It has been several days since Yuan Shao joined forces with Cao Cao to launch a fierce attack after his army was swallowed up that day.

The continuous fierce attack caused heavy casualties in the city, and the soldiers did not dare to slack off.

"Don't run away from the spies."


Suddenly, a roar and killing sound came from the northwest direction, followed by sporadic fighting sounds and screams.This immediately aroused the vigilance of the soldiers of the Han army who were patrolling nearby. They took arrows one after another and put them on the string.

"I'm a spy under the general's tent, help me." Suddenly there was a cry for help, and then, a figure appeared in front of the soldiers. Before the soldiers could react, an arrow flew up.

"Crack." Immediately afterwards, the arrow fell to the ground.A letter was tied to the arrow.

"Save him quickly." The soldiers shouted when they saw Jianxin.

"Swish, swish, swish." Immediately afterwards, the bow-holding soldiers let go of their bowstrings one after another, and a burst of arrows flew into the darkness.

"Ah, ah, ah."

"This place is too dangerous, hurry up."

Amidst howling and retreating, everything became calm.

"Wait a minute, I'll go get the rope." After calming down, a soldier yelled at the figure below the city.

"it is good."

The figure also replied.

Not long after, the figure was welcomed into the city.At the same time, more than a dozen spies who broke in from all directions successfully arrived at the city and gathered in the mansion of the Hushi General.

Hussar General's Mansion, in the hall.

Dong Cheng knelt and sat on the main seat, with Gan Ning and Wen Pin on the left and right, and more than ten people stood below him, Wu Kang was among them.It's just that these people are not only fewer in number, but many of them are injured.

And Dong Cheng, Gan Ning, and Wen Pin all had a white cloth on the case in front of them, and this white cloth recorded the news that Liu Feng defeated the west and Xiangdong defeated Guo Tu.

"The general defeated Liu Zhang in Hanzhong, captured Chang'an in Guanzhong, defeated the heroes of Guanzhong, and defeated Guo Tu in the east. Is it true?" Looking at the white cloth, Dong Cheng's face showed a drunken look. blushed, and asked tremblingly.

It's amazing, it's amazing.

Although Dong Cheng believed that Liu Feng was a crown prince and general bestowed by heaven to the Han family, he never thought that Liu Feng would be so amazing.

Hundreds of thousands of troops were defeated in the west, and Guo Tu, who was killed in the east, lost his troops and generals.What is spirit, this is it.The general is invincible. [

"It's true. I followed the general to the east, and saw with my own eyes that the general defeated Zhong Yao and entered Chang'an." Wu Kang nodded fiercely, with an incomparable expression on his face, and said.He deeply admired Liu Feng's sharpness.

"Okay, okay." Dong Cheng was determined when he heard the words, and said yes twice.

"It's a blessing for you strong men." Immediately, Dong Cheng took a deep breath, first said, and then ordered: "Come here, please come down immediately, so that you can entertain me."

"No." A soldier outside the door promised, and then walked in.

"Thank you, General." Wu Kang and the others thanked them, and followed the soldier out.

"I believe that as long as this news spreads, it will definitely inspire people's hearts, and Xu County will be as stable as Mount Tai." After everyone left, Dong Cheng held the letter in his hand, and Wen Pin said to Gan Ning.

"The time for the great general to break the world is not far away." Gan Ning and Wen Pin nodded and laughed loudly.

"Hahaha." Dong Cheng laughed.

"As soon as the day breaks, I will call up the army. I will kill the white horse and make an oath with the soldiers to defend Xu County to the death." After laughing, Dong Cheng said in a deep voice.

"Promise." Gan Ning and Wenpin all agreed.

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