I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1909 : Chapter 965 The king's general is mighty

Chapter 960 The King’s Great General Is Mighty

On this day, Dongfang just turned white.

Xu County also seemed to be a dead city, there was no one there, and it was deserted.

In the center of the city, there is a huge school yard.This was originally where the Xu County Imperial Palace was located. Since Liu Feng moved his capital to Luoyang, Liu Xie didn't want to leave this shame, so he ordered it to be demolished.

It was later transformed into a huge school yard by Dong Cheng. [

Normally, Dong Cheng would pull out various armies from time to time to conduct joint military training in the school grounds.But since Yuan Shao and Cao Cao's army arrived, the elite soldiers in the city were divided into four directions to attack Yuan Shao and Cao Cao.

Dong Cheng naturally didn't have the mind to carry out any joint training.

However, today is different.In the school grounds, there was a Dianjiangtai. Dong Cheng, Gan Ning, Wen Pin and other three generals who guarded Xu County stood on it early.

"Dong dong dong."

The sudden sound of the drum was also played next to it.

As the drums vibrated, groups of soldiers gathered from all directions.Before long, the school grounds were full of soldiers.In Xu County, there were originally [-] horse infantry troops.

After defending the city for several months, although countless people helped, the soldiers still suffered heavy losses.There are only [-] people left alive, and less than half of them are injured.

Because it is necessary to defend the city, it is naturally impossible to call all the troops.When the number of soldiers reaches about [-], there will be no further increase.

"Get on the horse." Seeing this, Dong Cheng ordered with a wave of his big hand.

"No." A soldier promised and walked out.Not long after, a group of soldiers led a white horse to the vicinity of Dianjiangtai. This white horse was very vigorous and handsome.

Dong Cheng glanced at the white horse, then took a deep breath, and shouted to the soldiers: "Last night, I got the news that General Pang Tong defeated Liu Zhang's [-] troops and swallowed [-]. Liu Zhang's vitality was greatly injured. Then the king The top general personally supervised the seven armies to attack Chang'an. The heroes in Guanzhong were defeated. Zhong Yao bowed his head, and Chang'an fell into the hands of the Han Dynasty. To the east, the general defeated Guo Tu, and the general Zhao Yun beheaded Lu Kuang, Lu Xiang, and Megatron Central Plains. The destiny lies with the Son of Heaven, the destiny lies with the king and the general, and the destiny lies with the great man.”

At the beginning, Dong Cheng was quite stable, but at the end, Dong Chengfang shouted loudly, almost at the exhaustion of his voice, so that his cheeks were flushed, and the eyes sparkled like bright stars.

"The king's great general is invincible in the world, and the heroes will not be far away if they bow their heads." Immediately afterwards, Dong Cheng shouted even more.

Amazing, this news is really amazing.The [-] soldiers in the audience were almost petrified, and it took a while for Dong Cheng to shout before the soldiers reacted.

It could be like this, it could be like this.

The world's heroes and millions of soldiers besieged the Han Dynasty.In Xudu, they encouraged resistance, but they were just obeying the destiny and doing their best.

I didn't expect the general to be so majestic. Liu Zhang in Shuzhong, Ma Teng in Guanzhong, Han Sui, Zhong Yao, all of them were native chickens and dogs, and they were blown up by the general.

Happy, happy.

"The king's general is mighty, the king's general is mighty." [

"The king's general is mighty, the king's general is mighty."

Suddenly, the eyes of the [-] elite soldiers on the scene burst into extremely bright light, and the crowd shouted excitedly, each and every one of them shouted hoarsely, as if they were going to shout out with all their strength.

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