I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1934 : Chapter 978 Invincible

Chapter 970 Invincible

"What's going on?" General Chen yelled in bewilderment. www>

In fact, that was the case. Just now, General Chen thought that if he lost his military exploits, he would be like his parents dead.And now General Chen has not been disappointed, because of this military exploit, he came back by himself.

However, whether General Chen can eat it depends on whether he has good teeth.


After a while, General Chen also noticed it. As the roar of killing gradually approached, a large row of soldiers suddenly appeared in front of him, and a handsome flag with the word "Han" opened its teeth and claws as the soldiers ran, aggressively.

"Could it be that Zhang Liao lost?"

Seeing this large army, General Chen's complexion was instantly disastrous, this time it was almost as if his parents were dead.In the Yuan army, none of the generals dared to claim to be able to resist the attack of the king's general's personal soldiers.

In this way, the Wei general Zhang Liao who recently came nearby to help out became their expectation, but now Liu Feng's king's general is standing here, and Zhang Liao's army is nowhere to be found, and the result can be seen at a glance. I see it.

Zhang Liao has failed, who else among Yuan Jun's generals here can resist Liu Feng?Just rely on him?Go dreaming.Thinking about it, General Chen reined in his horse and left without saying a word.

"It's the king's general's personal soldier, run away."

"Oh my god, Liu Feng is not dead."

"Zhang Liao failed."

Youdao said that there was a raging general and a raging army of soldiers. The moment General Chen chose to flee, countless soldiers also yelled suddenly, and instead of falling behind General Chen, they spread their feet first and fled.

What is prestige, this is it.The great reputation forged by the king's general's personal soldiers was fully reflected at this moment. The idle people were frightened by the news and had no choice but to flee.

"Nowadays the great Han world, the general in front saw Gu, why did he run away?"

From the rear, Liu Feng was surprised when he saw General Chen fleeing in front of him, but then he laughed loudly.

The laughter was rolling, and it sounded hearty, but it was actually murderous and sharp.

If Liu Feng was alone, even if it was a crown prince or a general, he wouldn't be able to make the enemy bow down with a single word, but now he is on the left and right, with three thousand personal soldiers, and his combat power is the best in the world.

A murderous intent and sharp laughter immediately made General Chen in front of him stiff, and then he involuntarily reined in his horse and stopped.

"The last general pays his respects to the general."

Immediately afterwards, General Chen got off his horse again, knelt down to Liu Feng slowly, and called him a great general.

Shocking, really shocking.

Thousands of troops came from the middle, and General Chen bowed his head before the two sides fought.This stunned the soldiers of both sides. General Chen's soldiers forgot to run away, and stopped for a moment, dumbfounded, with disbelief on their faces. [

It was the first time for the soldiers under Liu Feng's tent to encounter such a thing, and they all opened their mouths, forgetting to fight.

Even Liu Feng was slightly startled, and then burst out laughing.This may be the general trend, majestic and powerful, bullying the Quartet.

"If you are smart, I will spare you the crime of helping the tyrant to abuse you. And report your name, what is your official position." Liu Feng stopped his horse and shouted.

General Chen was overjoyed when he heard the words. In front of the soldiers of the three armies, he was forgiven for the crime of helping the emperor to abuse him. This is really a promise.Therefore, General Chen became more respectful, and bowed down: "The last general's surname is Chen, and his first name is General Zhonglang."

"Okay, General Chen respects the destiny, abandons the thieves and returns to the meritorious officials. Brave. I hereby confer you the title of General Yang Wei Zhonglang, and give you the title of Marquis of Guannei. And lead the army to the front, follow Gu to sweep Guo Tu's camp, if you win Come back and be promoted again." Liu Feng wrote down the name when he heard this, and gave him the title with a big laugh.

"Promise." Chen Ben was even more overjoyed when he heard the words. He promised, then got on his horse, held a long knife, and shouted: "Big Han Xiongxiong, the king's general is the destiny. I will abandon the thief and return to the Han Dynasty. You Can you follow me and call?"

"I would like to follow the general."

Chen Ben has been in the army for many years, and his soldiers return to their hearts.In addition, today Liu Fengxian defeated Zhang Liao and returned, and he surrendered Chen Ben from the Wanjun. The soldiers were terrified and naturally had to surrender.

Then, the soldiers shouted in unison.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Ben reassembled his formation and led his troops towards the north slowly.

"When the two armies confront each other, it's all right for Chen Ben to run away. As soon as the general shouted, he bowed his head and proclaimed himself a minister. This is unprecedented in eternity."

Seeing that Chen Ben changed his position on the spot and went north to attack Guo Tu, Zuo Sima Zhang Fang exclaimed and said.

"Hahaha." Liu Feng laughed out loud when he heard the words, and his heart was indeed dripping with joy.Accept Zhang Liao first, and get what you want.Then they fought north and swallowed Yuan Shao's army, which was enough to make Liu Feng happy.

What was even more surprising was that Chen Ben turned his back on the battlefield, and he surrendered with a loud cry.This is the real joy.

"This is also the result of you waiting. If it weren't for your majesty, it would be a lonely humerus and arm. If you are alone, you are just a yellow-mouthed child, how can you convince the crowd?" Just laughing, Liu Feng did not neglect Zhang Fang and other soldiers , said solemnly.

At this moment, whether Liu Feng expressed his feelings or won people's hearts.Zhang Fang and other soldiers listened to their ears, their blood boiled with enthusiasm, and they wished to be loyal to the country immediately, killing all directions and rebelling.

"If it weren't for the great general, there would be no one waiting for me." Immediately, Zhang Fang took a deep breath and led the crowd to worship.

Very solemn, very respectful.

"Okay, okay. I'll wait for the master and slave to have some time to catch up on the old days, and now the main goal is to defeat Guo Tu. Hurry up to catch up, or if you fall behind. Maybe Chen Ben will defect again and return to Guo Tu's camp." Liu Seeing that the atmosphere was a little serious, Feng said with a smile.

"If Chen Ben dares to turn his back again, the last general will take his head and dedicate it to the general." Zhang Fang said sharply with his eyes wide open.

"Okay, let's march." Liu Feng shouted after hearing the words, and ordered.

"Promise." Zhang Fang made a promise, gave the order instead of Liu Feng, and led the crowd to chase after Chen Ben's army. [

At this moment, the breeze is blowing, making people intoxicated.

Liu Feng rode his horse and walked among the soldiers, slightly closed his eyes, enjoying the breeze and the majesty of this moment.

After defeating Zhang Liao, Wanjun surrendered Chen Ben from it, and rushed to Guo Tu's camp with a shocking momentum to avenge the siege of Hulao.

This majestic trend is unparalleled, irreversible, irreversible.

Although his eyes were closed, the blood in Liu Feng's heart was already boiling.

"Huh." Suddenly, Liu Feng exhaled a foul breath, then opened his eyes, and a burst of brilliance flashed across the sky.

At this moment, Liu Feng's eyes were like stars, shining brightly, his brows were like sharp swords, unparalleled in sharpness, and his whole body seemed to be assisted by a god, exuding a monstrous domineering, monstrous divine power.

I am full of energy.

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