I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1935 : Chapter 979 Guo Tu is Waiting

Chapter 970 Guo Tu is Waiting

At this moment, the fighting in front of Hulao Pass has come to an end. www>

Zhao Yun led the crowd back to the Hulao, Guo Tu ordered to pursue, but was shot back by the arrows from the Hulao, leaving only corpses on the ground.

The [-] elite soldiers left behind by Zhang Liao also obeyed Zhang Liao's orders and guarded the camp without moving rashly.

"Quack quack." [

There were corpses all over the ground, no one cleaned them up, it was very desolate, only a few vultures were circling in the air, making shrill cries.

Inside Hulao Pass, after Zhao Yun returned with his troops, he first glanced at the soldiers. He saw that there were only 5000 elite soldiers, and the loss was not small. There were probably more than [-] soldiers left, and many of them were injured.

"The seriously injured should be taken down for treatment, and the minor wounds should be bandaged first. The uninjured soldiers should drink water, eat some dry food, and rest where they are."

After glancing at the soldiers, Zhao Yun gave the order and said.

"No." Left and right agreed, and immediately went down to make arrangements.

Immediately, Zhao Yun got off his horse and reached the critical moment.Zhao Yun knew that if Liu Feng returned victorious, most likely he would attack Guo Tu's camp. At that time, Zhao Yun would definitely lead his troops to cooperate, so Zhao Yun gave such an order.

Close, Jia Xu and Liu Ye are always looking ahead, paying attention to the movement of Guo Tu's camp.He suddenly heard footsteps, so he turned his head.

Seeing that it was Zhao Yun, the two raised their fists in salute: "General Zhao."

"Two gentlemen." Zhao Yun hurriedly returned the salute.

After the two parties greeted each other, Zhao Yun also came up and asked, "You two gentlemen, what's going on in Guo Tu's camp at this moment?"

"There is no movement, they should be resting separately. They fought with the general, and the loss is not small." Liu Ye said with a smile when he heard the words.

"En." At this moment, Zhao Yun came to Liu Ye's side, looked into the distance, and found that Guo Tu's camp was like a pool of stagnant water, without any movement.

"Perhaps Guo Tu is not only standing still, he is still waiting for Zhang Liao's news. Didn't Zhang Liao's army shout, if he wins a general, he will rule the world? I am afraid that at this moment, Guo Tu's heart is already boiling with enthusiasm."

Jia Xu interrupted abruptly.

"That's right, Zhang Liao is aggressive. I also saw General Yuan Jun, surnamed Chen, lead his troops to chase after him. If you look at it from the outside, their chances of winning are indeed quite good." Zhao Yun said with a slight smile after hearing this.

"It's just a pity that the odds of victory on the surface are sometimes just a deception. Even if it is not an ambush, the strength of the general's [-] personal soldiers is enough to defeat Zhang Liao, the general surnamed Chen. What's more, General Dong Gai The ambush was laid early, waiting for the net to be collected." Liu Ye laughed loudly and said.

"The dilemma of the tiger prison is solved. The tiger came out of the mountain and attacked Yuan Jun. I just don't know how big the victory is this time, and how many soldiers and horses it can swallow Yuan Jun."

Jia Xu also smiled slightly and said.

Immediately, Jia Xu turned his head and looked directly at the east, his eyes were a little far-reaching.To talk about Jia Xu's mood, I really sigh. [

At the beginning, Liu Fengchu showed his sharpness and assassinated the prince Shaofu, and then he was appointed as the prince Shaofu, responsible for teaching the prince.At that time, Jia Xu sensed that Liu Feng had something in his heart.

Maybe he was secretly planning something, but Jia Xu didn't help, nor did he expose it.I was also secretly curious about where Liu Feng would go.Originally, Liu Feng led his troops to conquer most of Jingzhou, which already surprised Jia Xu.

But I didn't expect that Liu Feng would be out of control later, entering Xudu, defeating Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, entering Luoyang, and breaking through all the heroes in the pass, so that today, all the heroes in the world are attacking, and Liu Feng is no longer able to do anything.

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