I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1937 : Chapter 980 kicks off

Chapter 980 Kicks off

The surrendered troops led by Chen Bensuo were just the vanguard. www>

The key still depends on the cooperation of Liu Feng's personal soldiers and Zhao Yun's army in Hulaoguan.

Therefore, the army of personal soldiers led by Liu Feng followed closely and charged towards Guo Tu's camp.

Under the banner of "Han" commander, Liu Feng, surrounded by his own soldiers, acted without haste. [

After advancing for about five or six miles, Zuo Sima Zhang Fang said to Liu Feng, "General, Guo Tu's camp is very close."

"Order to prepare for the fight." Liu Feng ordered with a flash of brilliance in his eyes upon hearing this.


Zhang Fang made a promise, and immediately went down to deliver the order.

Not long after, the expressions of the king's general's soldiers changed, and their eyes became more serious, as if they were about to pounce on a tiger, full of murderous aura.

After going like this for three or four miles, Guo Tu's camp was already in sight.

The fence outside and the endless tents are so majestic.It was this big camp that blocked Liu Feng's way and besieged Hulaoguan for several months.

In the current battle, Liu Feng made up his mind to set it on fire.

Looking at the Guo Tu camp not far ahead, the blood in Liu Feng's heart was already boiling.


Liu Feng couldn't help but let out a loud roar, which was incomparably majestic.


Zuo Sima, Zhang Fang, and countless soldiers of the king's general responded to Liu Feng's roar, and all roared loudly, and the murderous intent was overwhelming for a while.

Liu Feng and the others had already seen the camp, while the soldiers led by Chen Ben were already approaching the camp.

The Guotu camp stretches for about ten li, each with its own small camp.And when Liu Feng went north, the direction he was attacking was Chen Ben's original small camp.

At this moment, the gate of the camp was closed tightly, and behind the gate, there were faint figures walking around. There were two arrow towers on both sides of the camp gate, and there were also guards on the arrow towers. The defense was very strict.

"General, the general is back."

"Open the camp gate quickly."

When the soldiers saw Chen Ben's banner first, they were overjoyed and prepared to open the gate of the camp. [


But when Liu Feng's personal soldiers of the king's general uttered a roar, they were immediately frightened.

"That's the personal soldier of General Wang, and the general seems to be being chased by Liu Feng."

"Quickly open the camp gate, lead the general in, and prepare to kill the enemy."

While the soldiers were frightened, they suddenly panicked.Immediately afterwards, someone called the shots and opened the gate of the camp, intending to welcome Chen Ben in.

In front of the soldiers, the word "Chen" will be under the flag, and Chen Ben will be the first. When he sees the gate of the camp opened, a smile appears on his face. If he doesn't say anything else, he will not escape up.

"This general has surrendered to the emperor and has become a Han general. Those who have the guts will follow the general to kill the enemy, and those who have no guts will retreat to the side. Don't hinder the general, otherwise they will be killed without mercy."

Chen Ben took a deep breath, raised the blade, and roared like a thousand miles.


This seemed to be a thunderbolt, and the shocked guards were stunned for a while.Their general, the commanding general of the Yuan army, Chen Ben, General Chen, unexpectedly defected.

And so confidently leading troops to attack the camp, what the hell is going on.

Just as Zuo Sima Zhang Fang said to Liu Feng, it is rare to defect.It is unparalleled in the world to fall into the battle and become a trend.

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