I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1938 : Chapter 980 kicks off

Anyone who saw it would be shocked.
When the guards were stunned, Chen Ding had already led his troops into his camp.

"There are still luggage in the camp, don't destroy it. I will continue to go deep into the Guo Tu camp." Because it is his own camp, Chen Ben knows that there are a lot of luggage here, and it would be a meritorious service if he can seize these luggage, so Severely restrained the soldiers, and continued to go deep into Guo Tu's camp.


The soldiers made a promise, and continued to rush into Guo Tu's camp with great momentum.When Chen Ben went deep into Guo Tu's camp, most of the remaining soldiers obeyed Chen Ben's order and followed behind to attack Guo Tu's camp. [

Immediately, Chen Ben's army became stronger and stronger, and its momentum was like a dragon. It was a heroic and high-spirited army.It's hard to imagine that this army, in the confrontation with Liu Feng, got cold feet.

Perhaps it was because the soldiers led by Liu Feng were too prestigious, or Liu Feng's Invincible World was too popular, or the Han Dynasty was too strong.

However, after the army led by Chen Bensuo put on the clothes of the Han Dynasty and the seal of Liu Feng, they immediately felt that they were invincible and must be invincible, so the momentum was so high.

"This will be very imposing."

Liu Feng's personal soldiers followed behind Chen Ben, Liu Feng felt the momentum of Chen Ben's army ahead, he was a little surprised and laughed loudly.

"The general's prestige is great, and if a mortal has a little bit of prestige, he will be awe-inspiring."

Zuo Sima Zhang Fang heard this and said with a smile.

It's mostly a joke, but it's not far from the essence.

"Haha." Liu Feng laughed out loud upon hearing this.

"Soldiers and generals are so majestic. You are a lone soldier. How can you be left behind? Roar and kill to strengthen your momentum." After laughing, Liu Feng yelled.


Seeing Chen Ben and others descending in such a grand manner, the soldiers were not very happy, not very happy.Hearing Liu Feng's words, he immediately became angry, opened his throat, and let out a loud roar.

At the same time, they also breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts. As the general said, they are the real Han army, and they are also the soldiers of the general of the king. How can they be left behind.

When the fight starts later, we must call those surrendered soldiers, and the surrendered generals will see how powerful they are.

"Hahaha." Seeing this, Liu Feng let out another hearty laugh.No matter how high-spirited Chen Ben's surrender was, it was none of Liu Feng's business.

As long as the morale of his soldiers is high, Guo Tu is just a dish.

Just as Liu Feng was ingeniously boosting morale, the soldiers led by Chen Bensuo had already penetrated into Guo Tu's camp.In front of them, a smaller camp gate appeared.

This is the base camp of General Wu Da of Yuan Jun.

At this moment, the gate of the camp was closed, and countless soldiers were very nervous, looking at Chen Ben's army at a loss, not knowing why Chen Ben was so aggressive. [

"General Chen, why is this?"

A Dubo popped up and shouted at Chen Ben.

"Whoosh." An arrow flew across quickly, piercing the dubo's head.

The soldiers beside Dubo all looked at Chen Ben in disbelief, and it was Chen Ben who shot and killed Dubo.

"The general has surrendered to the Han Dynasty, and to the great general. Those who descend will live, and those who fight will die." Facing the incredulous gazes of Yuan soldiers, Chen Ben put down his bow and roared.


Immediately afterwards, Chen Ben raised his head to the sky and howled again, as if he had been contaminated by Liu Feng's prestige, which was unparalleled.


Following Chen Ben's roar, the soldiers behind him also roared and killed, and the next moment, they also rushed towards Wu's base camp.

"Whoosh whoosh."

The sound of arrows piercing the air suddenly sounded.

Immediately, the prelude to Liu Feng's destruction of Guo Tu's camp kicked off, and it was the surrendered general Chen Ben who kicked off the prelude.

If Guo Tu knew, he might vomit blood immediately.

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