I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2107 : Chapter 1067 Ambush on Three Sides

After hearing this sound wave like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, the soldiers under Pound's command also trembled, a little flustered.

"Don't forget, we still have Ma Chao behind us, and the two generals Yan Xing led an army of [-] horses to support them, so don't panic." Pang De yelled and shouted.

Pang De is also the soul of the army. At this time, he yelled loudly, which immediately stabilized the two thousand elite soldiers behind him.

"Hahaha, Ma Chao, Yan Xing is also a turtle in a urn, so don't expect it, general." At this time, the person who had uttered a loud roar earlier and stopped Pound laughed again.

Moreover, a large army definitely appeared in front of Pound's eyes. [

The first thing that catches the eyes of "Han" is the handsome flag with the word "Han". Standing under the flag is a general, straddling his horse and raising his whip, high-spirited. He is the crown prince of the Han family, the king's general Liu Feng.

On the left of Liu Feng is Dong Gai, on the right is Wang Ping who has just retreated from the front, and on the far right is General Cheng Yi, and behind him, there are Dong Gai, Wang Ping, and Cheng Yi's army, more than ten thousand. people.

Each of them held a weapon and looked menacing.

Seeing Liu Feng, Wang Ping, Dong Gai, Cheng Yi, and more than [-] Han soldiers, Pound was also shocked. Only then did Pound believe that Liu Feng was really in ambush.

Liu Feng didn't believe that he would lead the army to defect at all. To Liu Feng, any bitter tricks and fire attacks seemed like a joke.

At this moment, Pound said in his heart that he was not discouraged, but that was a lie.After many days of planning, it turned out to be like this, like this.

Thinking about it, Pang De couldn't help but feel a dull pain in his back, fifty army sticks, it was for nothing.Not only that, but also trapped in the enemy camp.

"Let's go." Pound let out a shrill cry, reined in his horse and left.

Pound's soldiers were not fools either. Seeing Liu Feng straddling his horse and whipping his whip, he was in high spirits, and more than [-] soldiers knew what was going on, so they ran away with Pound without saying a word.

The [-] elite soldiers who were aggressive just now ran away in embarrassment as if they were bereaved dogs.

"General, when the last general leads his troops to capture Pang De, it will be a shame." Seeing Pang De leading his troops to escape, Wang Ping's heart was lifted immediately, and he raised his fist at Liu Feng begging for his life.

Just now, in order to lure Pound into the camp, Wang Ping had to resist Pound with a small number of elite troops, so that he was defeated.

"Don't worry." Liu Feng said soothingly.Although Wang Ping was commendable for his loyalty and bravery, he had lost to Pang De after all, so he had better be careful. Don't beat Wang Ping in such a situation, that would be ridiculous.

After pacifying Wang Ping, Liu Feng was right and left, and Dong Gai ordered: "Press up slowly until Pang De is caught."


Dong Gai and Cheng Yi made a promise, each of them left and right, and led the elite soldiers to surround Liu Feng and press them together.

In front, Pound was eager to get away, somewhat embarrassed.

"How can you come and leave as soon as you say you are in the center of the Han camp?" At this moment, a voice sounded from Pound's right side, and immediately after that, a large army appeared.

"Zhao" stands proudly against the wind, with its teeth and claws open.Standing under the general's flag, there is a general who is handsome and heroic.It was Liu Feng's general Chang Shan Zhao Yun. [


Zhao Yun waved his spear and shouted.

"Kill." Thousands of elite soldiers roared in unison behind them, and rushed towards Pound.


Pound yelled, and led his troops towards another direction.

"This way is dead."

Just then, another loud cry sounded.Immediately afterwards, "Zhang" drove the flag out, and stood a fierce general under the flag, with an imposing manner.

It was Liu Feng's general Yanmen Zhang Liao.

When Pang De went deep, the Han army had already laid many ambushes, but now surrounded on three sides, Pang De finally became a fish in a urn.

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