I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2108 : Chapter 1068 Capture Pound

Chapter 68 Capture Pound

In the south, Liu Feng led Cheng Yi, Wang Ping, and Dong Gai, three generals, and the army under his command, advancing step by step.In the east, Zhao Yun led the soldiers and horses of the camp, and they were aggressive.In the west, Zhang Liao led an army under his command again, with a murderous aura soaring into the sky.

The three-way army surrounded Pound in a fan shape, and Pound basically had nowhere to go.

A huge uneasiness and panic shrouded the hearts of Pound's soldiers.

"There is no way out, you are invincible, General, what should I do?" [

"General, what should the General do?"


In a panic, countless soldiers shouted.

At this moment, Pound also showed the quality that a general should have. Faced with this crisis, he gradually calmed down. He first glanced around and took a rough look at the number of Han troops.

Then he took a deep breath, raised his knife and shouted: "I have been in the army for many years, and fought for the general in the south and north, and went through life and death. Pao Ze, who died, are there still few brothers? Today is the day I wait to die."

As he said that, Pang De yelled, "Kill." Then he tightened his feet on the horse's belly, and rushed towards Liu Feng's direction.

Yu Wanjun wanted to take Liu Feng's head with all his might.

In fact, Pang De's idea is also correct. Liu Feng's personal soldiers have Liannu, which is well known in the world.Under such circumstances, forming a circle and waiting for reinforcements is purely courting death.

Might as well give it a try and see your luck.


Pang Dechong was so majestic and tragic that the [-] elite soldiers under his command were moved, and a sense of admiration arose spontaneously, so countless soldiers roared angrily, followed Pang De, and rushed towards Liu Feng.

Seeing this, Liu Feng was very calm. Since he joined the army, he has taken advantage too many times. There are quite a few strong generals like Pound who wanted to take his head at a critical moment to turn the situation around. But still alive and well.

"Get ready for the crossbow, remember not to rush towards Pound."

Immediately afterwards, Liu Feng waved his hand and ordered.

"The general has an order to prepare the crossbow, but don't charge towards Pound."

"The general has an order to prepare the crossbow, but don't charge towards Pound."

Following Liu Feng's order, countless soldiers passed on Liu Feng's order, and then the king's general's soldiers took out their crossbows one after another, aiming at Pound's army.

"Whoosh whoosh."

Not long after, countless arrows shot out, roaring towards Pound's army. [

"Puchi, puchi."

"Ah, ah, ah."

In the whole world, apart from the city walls and camps, only shields were left to guard against Liannu. However, Pound's army went deep alone, only to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds, so naturally he did not come with a shield.

As the arrows whizzed, countless soldiers were hit by the arrows, screamed one after another, and collapsed to the ground.

Now the distance between the two sides is very close, and the power of the crossbow is very strong. The soldiers who collapsed on the ground are basically either disabled or dead.

Hearing the screams from all around and seeing the scene of the soldiers dying suddenly, Pang De's heart almost bleeds.Since ancient times, most famous generals cherish their soldiers, and Pound is no exception.

Some of these soldiers were even trained by Pound himself from the recruits, and now they died suddenly, which naturally made Pound's heart ache.

"Kill." With a roar, Pang De no longer rushed to kill with the soldiers, but clamped his horse's belly, driving the horse under his crotch like an arrow, rushed out, and raised his sword to kill Liu Feng.

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