I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2142 : Chapter 1085 Riding the Wind and Waves

"Why is it here?"

Facing the monstrous water potential and the powerless situation, Ma Teng opened his mouth to ask questions.But no one answered him because everyone didn't know.

The spies are dense, and the situation is very clear. Liu Feng did not dig the Yellow River to irrigate the city, so where did the water come from?

This cannot be a natural disaster. If Xianyang City was in danger of being flooded with water, then the Qin kings of all dynasties would not have built their capital here.If this was a natural disaster, Liu Feng would not have placed the camp at a high place in advance.

Everyone was very puzzled.After a while, a trembling voice sounded, "I'm afraid Liu Feng blocked the Yellow River." [

Everyone trembled when they heard the words, it took a lot of courage to block the Yellow River.Since ancient times, it has only been heard of dredging the Yellow River, but never of blocking the Yellow River.

There are still 80 million people in Yongzhou in the north and south of the Yellow River. If this continues, there will be an increase of 80 million refugees.Food, cattle, farm tools, how much wealth does this require?

Moreover, the blockage of the Yellow River may not only affect Yongzhou, but nearby Sili and Liangzhou may also be affected.For the gain and loss of one city and one place, Liu Feng is willing to pay such a high price.

Isn't that courage?It was so impossible that no one thought of it.

After a while, everyone calmed down from the trembling.Then he raised his head and looked at the person who spoke. It was Sima Yi, the military adviser and mastermind of the Northwest.

I saw that Sima Yi's face was livid and extremely ugly.Lost, or lost.They are sitting in a strong city, with [-] to [-] elite soldiers, including generals Ma Teng, Han Sui, Ma Chao, and Yan Xing.

But it still fails.

Liu Feng's boldness and Liu Feng's tricks really made Sima Yi a little scared.Opening your mouth is such a big sacrifice, this is the real hero.

How old is Liu Feng?Only 17 years old.

"What should we do now?" Following Sima Yi's silence, everyone fell silent one after another until a weak voice sounded after a long time.

Everyone looked up, and it was a young general who spoke.Suddenly, everyone became silent again, yes, what should I do.

The flood flooded the city.Even if Liu Feng does not act, the city will become a vast ocean, and the grain in the granary will be eroded by water, and it will become moldy in a short time.

The war horses will be drowned countless times, and they can't hold Xianyang anymore.

What's more, all of this was created by Liu Feng himself. Will Liu Feng have no backup?The simplest is to attack the city by water.

Not only will the water break down the city walls, but there will also be momentum.Our own generals used tricks to flood the city.This will naturally increase the momentum of the Han army, and the offensive will be rapid.

Instead, their morale is low.

Thinking of such a situation, Ma Teng, Han Sui, Ma Chao, Yan Xing, Sima Yi and others suddenly thought of a scene in the heart of the storm, the Han army rode the wind and waves to fight with them.

Then, they were defeated, and there were countless corpses floating around.Yongzhou is just lost.

This scene immediately made everyone's hearts tremble. [

What to do next, what to do, what to do.Including Sima Yi, everyone was wondering.

But at this moment, the water became more and more violent, and finally submerged the Han army camp.

Zhao Yun and Wei Yan, who had been prepared for a long time, led more than [-] armored soldiers to board the raft early in the morning. Now the water was so high that it submerged the camp, and the raft suddenly floated.


On a raft, Zhao Yun pointed his spear at Xianyang and shouted loudly.


On the other raft, Wei Yanhu looked at Xianyang and shouted.


Following the roar of the two, countless soldiers of the Han army roared together, and some soldiers supported the raft and headed for Xianyang.

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