I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2143 : Chapter 1086 The trapped beast is still fighting

Chapter 86


An earth-shattering roar came from the direction of the Han camp. Without warning or looking up, everyone knew that the Han army's offensive had begun.

After a while, Ma Teng, Han Sui, Yan Xing, Ma Chao, Sima Yi and others looked up slowly, only to see a black raft breaking through the waves with menacing momentum.

This situation makes people tremble. [

The capital of the Qin State is Xianyang City, which will never be flooded.Surrounded by floods, the soldiers in the city and the people screamed in panic, while a black raft floated in front of them, riding the wind and waves to attack the city.

Just a moment ago, they were still sitting in the city, with [-] to [-] elite soldiers, standing in front of the Han army like a moat, and they were proud of it.

At this moment, it actually became like this.

This transformation is not only difficult to accept, but also particularly frightening.

"Gulu." Many generals swallowed saliva violently into their throats, with terrified expressions.Some generals asked repeatedly: "Two generals, the situation is unfavorable now. What should we do? Let the two generals be the masters."

"Yes, let the two generals be the masters."

"It's fighting, it's retreating."

As one general opened his mouth, it was as if the embankment had burst, and the rest of the generals also asked, anxiously.

Between life and death, the morale of the army is already unstable.

Ma Teng and Han Sui watched the menacing Han army roaring up to the sky, and then listened to the anxious and frightened words of the generals around them.

It was as if they had been hit by a giant hammer in their hearts, which made them gasp and almost couldn't breathe.

Why did it become like this, why did it become like this.

At this moment, Ma Teng and Han Sui couldn't make a decision. Abandoning the city was tantamount to abandoning an army of [-] to [-] and fleeing.By the way, Yongzhou was also abandoned, and there was a further narrow territory, and a further weakness in the competition with the Han Dynasty.

The original 14 army stationed on the north bank of Zhahekou, with high ambitions, wanted to fight with the Han army.However, he defeated Hekou first, and lost [-] to [-] horse infantry, General Pound.

He retreated to Xianyang and relied on the city to defend himself, proudly.The result is that they lost the city, lost their soldiers and horses, and fled in a hurry.

It's okay if you don't want to, the more you think about it, Ma Teng, Han Sui feels angry and dizzy.It is also difficult to decide.


At Ma Teng, Han Sui found it difficult to make a decision, and even almost fainted.A sonorous and forceful voice sounded, Ma Teng, Han Sui looked up, and saw Sima Yi's firm face, calm and wise light shining in his eyes.

"Sir, do you have a clever plan to retreat from the enemy?" Ma Teng and Han Sui were heartbroken when they saw this, as if they had grasped the last straw, they hurriedly asked. [

"The current situation is bound to be defeated. But we have an army of [-] to [-], and we have to fight Liu Feng to be defeated. Otherwise, wouldn't Liu Feng take Xianyang without bloodshed?" Sima Yi took a deep breath and said.

What Sima Yi meant, Ma Teng, Han Sui quickly understood.Yes, although failure is doomed, but Liu Feng still has to eat a piece of meat.

Otherwise, how will the next battle be fought?The water attacking the city is indeed fierce.But these generals, the lord, can take advantage of the situation and retreat.

There are still one hundred thousand soldiers and horses in the north, and they still have the power to fight.

"Okay, order all the soldiers to go up the city wall and fight to the death with the Han army." Ma Teng and Han Sui looked at each other, and immediately made a decision, and they all ordered.

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