I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2144 : Chapter 1086 The trapped beast is still fighting


Left and right suddenly agreed, and immediately passed on Ma Teng and Han Sui's orders.

"Dong dong dong."

"The general has an order to order all the soldiers to stand on the top of the city and fight. The Han army will never want to take Xianyang from us."

Soon after, there was a roaring drum beating in Xianyang City, and the sound of countless military Sima, Junhou and other mid-level officers mobilizing soldiers could be heard. [

"Da da da."

Although the water in the city has submerged to the calf, Ma Teng and Han Sui's prestige is not bad at present. After hearing the sound of war drums and the shouts of officers, countless soldiers immediately took steps, ran in the water, and boarded the city wall .

As countless soldiers climbed onto the city wall, the city wall was immediately crowded with people.The blackness is very spectacular.Eighty to ninety thousand people, not talking about it.

And with so many people crowded together, Ma Teng, Han Sui, Ma Chao, Yan Xing and others became more courageous. Even if the city was broken, they would bite a piece of Liu Feng's flesh.

"Northwest, I'm waiting for my homeland. How can I let Liu Feng insult me? Let Liu Feng see today, I'm waiting for the bravery of the man in the Northwest." Ma Teng was also full of pride in his heart, and he drew his sword and shouted.

"Tigers and wolves in the northwest are feared by the world. How can you be timid now, the enemy is coming, and you are the only one to fight." Han Sui also drew his long sword at his waist immediately after hearing this, to boost Ma Teng's momentum.

"Kill, kill, kill."

When the soldiers heard the words, their blood surged, and they all shouted loudly.

"Dong dong dong."

"Boom, boom."

Coupled with the sound of beating drums all over the sky and the roar of thunder and lightning, Xianyang City seems to have become a mighty city that is still as solid as gold.


At this moment, the water was rising again, and the Han camp on the high ground had been submerged. Countless soldiers who could not swim could only try their best to avoid high places, but the water still submerged their feet, then their calves, and their waists.

However, the soldiers were not too alarmed, because they knew that no matter how high the water rose, they would not be submerged.After all, their terrain is high.

As for Liu Feng and the civil servants and generals under his command, no matter what, they all had status. They all stood on the general platform, avoiding the water on the one hand, and watching the situation on the other hand.

"Kill, kill, kill."

"Dong dong dong."

In the direction of Xianyang City, there was suddenly a shocking roar and the sound of beating drums.Immediately, a strong force rushed over.

This power seems to be when the tiger descends the mountain and is incomparably majestic. [

But Liu Feng and his subordinates Jia Xu, Liu Ye, Deng Zhi, Pang Tong, etc., all had the same expression, even a smile that was not a smile.

"This can be described as a trapped beast that is still fighting?" Liu Feng said with a loud laugh.

"It looks majestic, but it's actually vulnerable." Pang Tong laughed.

"Gathering the power of the wind, gathering the power of the water, and gathering the power of the army today, it can be said that there is such a good opportunity to have such a good opportunity. How can Ma Teng and Han Sui be able to contend?" Liu Feng nodded happily when he heard the words, and said vigorously.

"Order, beat the drums to cheer."

Immediately afterwards, Liu Feng sent another order.


There was a promise from the left and right, and they got off the platform, took the remaining rafts, and sent orders to go.

"Dong dong dong."

Soon after, there was also the sound of roaring drums from the Han army.


At about the same time, the soldiers of the Han army attacking in front roared and killed, but they came by water and approached the city wall.

Ma Teng and Han Sui are indeed majestic, or in a battle of trapped beasts, they are vulnerable.

It became clear after the war.

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