I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2189 : Chapter 1110 Fighting at close range

Just as the Han army's continuous crossbows, bows and arrows were shot one after another, the combined casualties of their three armies had exceeded [-], and there were more dead and fewer wounded.

Ten thousand, ten thousand strong men.

"Ah ah ah ah ah."

With nowhere to vent, nowhere to vent, Mu Ya'er and Feilang could only roar continuously, their voices were as shrill as ghosts.


However, after all, they are also people on horseback. Not long after the Han army shot the arrows in advance, the Qiang cavalry finally let go of the arrows in their hands.

"Whoosh whoosh."

With a roar of killing, countless arrows were also released.Most of these arrows fell among the Han soldiers, and countless Han soldiers were shot by the arrows.

But at this time, another advantage among the Han army emerged again.That is leather armor.

Since he was wearing leather armor, it would naturally be useless.Although the Qiang cavalry are all good bows and arrows, the arrows they shoot are also very powerful.

But the leather armor still offset part of the momentum, so that the degree to which the arrow penetrated the flesh was not very deep.Of course, leather armor can only protect the body, the arms, legs, and head cannot be protected.

But that's enough.

Except for a few unlucky Han soldiers who were shot in the head and died on the spot, and were shot in the arms, legs and feet and were injured, most of the soldiers did not die on the spot even if they were shot.

Still have the ability to shoot bows and arrows, as well as fight.

On the contrary, the Qiang cavalry has no protection of leather armor.

"Swish, swish." While being shot by the opponent, countless archers continued to take out the arrows in the quiver and shoot.

Countless countless arrows were shot continuously.

The sound of breaking through the air did not survive at all.And amidst the continuous arrows, countless Qiang cavalry were killed.

First the crossbow, then the leather armor.

This is the embodiment of the wisdom of the Han people. During this fight, the soldiers of the Han army clearly told the Qiang people that the so-called people on horseback are really nothing but stronger bodies and better equestrian skills.

In a real fight, the brave wins.

During the confrontation between the two sides, countless soldiers of the Han army were injured or fell down.More Qiang cavalrymen also fell into a pool of blood, turning into a pile of flesh.

And the distance of one hundred steps is too short for the cavalry.

As for Mu Ya'er, Fei Lang and other Qiang cavalry, their anger had accumulated to the limit, and they were killed or injured 150 meters away. [

Within a hundred steps, the world of cavalry, their casualties were much more than that of the Han Dynasty.

How does this not make them angry?Since the middle distance is not good, then fight at close range.Even if they lost a full [-] to [-] cavalry in the confrontation just now.

But they also believed that even the remaining [-] cavalry were enough to destroy the Han army.

The cavalry is still invincible in the world, and the nation on horseback has a natural advantage, stronger than the Han people, much stronger.


Finally, the shooting between the two sides stopped, and the distance of one hundred steps was reached.The Qiang cavalry seemed to smell the blood in the blood vessels of the soldiers of the Han army.

Stimulated, they were greatly stimulated.An earth-shattering roar broke out from their mouths.

Kill, kill, kill.

Only killing can wash away the shame just now.

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