I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2190: Chapter 1111 is still not good

The first thousand and 110 chapters are still not good


The roar of more than one hundred thousand elite cavalrymen, although the soldiers of the Han army couldn't understand what the word was, they could feel the shocking murderous aura coming to their faces.

But will the Han army be afraid?

There are just too many people. [

Many Han soldiers let out a laugh in their hearts, and the spearmen in the front row thrust their spear handles into the ground vigorously, and pointed their sharp spear points at the Qiang cavalry.

Facing the Qiang cavalry that seemed to be like a torrent, their eyes did not waver in the slightest, and some only had indelible perseverance.

In front of the Han army, Qiang soldiers are nothing.If you want to take the head of the general >


While the spearmen in the front row were preparing, the rear row were Liu Feng's personal soldiers. After firing the crossbow arrows, they put the crossbow back on their waists.

Then he sank into his dantian, roared with all his strength, held the Mo Dao, lunged and faced the Qiang cavalry brazenly.

It can be said that Liu Feng's personal soldiers are the key to success or failure in this war.In terms of offense, the Liannu of the soldiers is certainly a powerful weapon.

But in terms of defense, the burly bodies of the soldiers themselves, coupled with the heavy armor with outstanding defensive power, the combination of the two is a natural barrier.

Therefore, Liu Feng arranged the soldiers in the second row, and he wanted to use the tough soldiers of the king's general to resist the charge of the Qiang cavalry.

This is the way to deal with the cavalry who are telling to charge.Block the cavalry, kill the cavalry, defeat the cavalry.

It's simple to say, but the only ones who can stop the cavalry with infantry when the whole world is outnumbered are the king's general's personal soldiers and the Han Wu pawns.

"I can die in my life, but the army cannot be defeated."

The "Zhao" character in the center held the flag, and the pride in Zhao Yun's chest also boiled out. He waved his spear, pointed in front of him, and shouted.

The word "Wei" will be under the flag, Wei Yan holds a knife and laughs: "Let's fight with blood, let's see who is the real strong soldier."

The word "Zhang" led the flag, Zhang Liao was calm and calm, as if dead still in front of the Qiang army.But a murderous aura soaring to the sky emanated from him.

The rest of Ma Zhong, Wang Ping and others are also ready to defend against the enemy.


Amidst the earth-shaking roar, the Qiang cavalry rode their steeds and brandished their blades, rushing towards them like three torrents.


At the critical moment, the soldiers of the Han army also roared angrily, not to be outdone.


After a while, the two sides collided together.It seemed that three torrents hit the dam, and it seemed that a mudslide on the mountain finally hit the forest below the mountain.

Although there was no real roar, there seemed to be a roar in the ears of the soldiers on both sides.

Immediately afterwards, most of the spearmen of the Han army in the front row died in this collision. They died heroically and well.

Being in the army, fighting with swordsmen all day, licking blood on the mouth, and dying, what is there to be afraid of?What's more, this time Muyaer of the Qiang nationality, Feilang threatened to take Liu Feng's head, which really angered them.

Forge a city of flesh and blood, carry a three-foot long knife, and defeat the Qiang people.As long as this goal is achieved, even if they die, they will rest in peace, otherwise even if they die, they will not be able to close their eyes in peace.

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