I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2191: Chapter 1111 is still not good

As if a mudslide rushed towards the forest, the powerful Qiang cavalry broke through the defense of the first row of Han soldiers with unparalleled impact force, almost effortlessly.

Most of the soldiers screamed and were trampled by.

However, the spears in their hands caused very little damage to the Qiang cavalry.

This immediately made Mu Ya'er, Fei Lang and other Qiang cavalrymen's blood boil. What kind of crossbow, even if there is a crossbow, so what if you have a little advantage?

The cavalry is still king, and the nation on horseback is still the strongest.What Han army is invincible, shit doesn't make sense. [

The blood soared, soaring from the hearts of the Qiang cavalry without any accident, so that they couldn't help but let out a series of loud cries.

"Ah ah ah ah ah."

This cry was full of excitement and an unprecedented sense of comfort.Everything, everything is for the pride of the nation on horseback.

Just when the situation seemed to be completely unfavorable to the Han army, and when most of the Han soldiers in the first row died, it seemed that there was nothing to gain.

Under the screams of the Qiang cavalry, the situation changed quietly.

It can be said that the yelling of the Qiang cavalry was too early, too early.

As I said just now, the Han soldiers standing in the first row were all willing to fight the Qiang people. Even if they died a hundred times, they would not regret it. What they hated was that they could not achieve their goals even if they died.

And their purpose has actually been achieved.Although it seems that their defensive counterattack did not cause much damage to the Qiang cavalry, it brought about a change.

That is the charging speed of the Qiang cavalry, which suddenly dropped by a notch.And laid the foundation for the soldiers of the king's general in the last row.

That is to block the Qiang cavalry.

"Even if it is really Hong Feng, the storm will never pass."

"Yes, even if there is a landslide and the ground cracks, I will be the general to stop it."

"Ah ah ah ah."

Countless kings and generals roared with all their strength, and then advanced instead of retreating. With unparalleled momentum, they raised the Mo Dao in their hands, and Mo Dao moved forward like clouds and flowing water.


Amidst thunderstorm-like roars, the sharp blades sliced ​​open the neck and body of the Qiang cavalry just like cutting tofu.

"Ah ah ah ah."

Immediately, screams sounded suddenly, and countless Qiang cavalrymen died under the high-speed charge, blood and internal organs were sprayed.

It splashed on the body of the soldiers, making them bloody people. [

The smell of blood rose to the sky, but they didn't feel disgusted. Instead, they felt extremely excited. This is the smell of blood.

People who are good at killing are always a little perverted.Among the soldiers, there are also bloodthirsty lunatics.They even stuck out the tip of their tongues and licked the blood splashed around their mouths.

The entrance is sticky, and ordinary people would have vomited it out long ago, but they have a different feeling.what does it smell like

This is the smell of blood, the most important thing is that this is the smell of the enemy's blood, or the smell of the damn Qiang people.


The bodyguards were already ebullient, and their voices were extremely high. One kill was not enough for them. After the Mo Dao in their hands cut through the bodies of the Qiang cavalrymen, the bodyguards roared again.

In the midst of the charge of the Qiang cavalry, he pressed forward step by step, constantly waving the Mo Dao in his hand, killing each of the Qiang cavalry, invincible.

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