I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2203 : Chapter 1118 Undead

Yan Xing took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"But what should we do? We have already been defeated once and lost a lot of troops. Moreover, the warriors have some fear of the Han army, and it is impossible to attack the Han army again. Should we also retreat to Jincheng and help Ma Teng and Han Sui Are the two generals guarding the city?"

Mu Ya'er smiled wryly when he heard the words, and said.

This is the reason why he wants to discuss with Ma Chao and Yan Xing. Once the opportunity is lost, it will be very difficult to get it back.

"No. When we came, Mr. Sima made a plan to break Liu Feng." Yan Xing said with a confident smile when he heard the words. [

"A military adviser has a plan." Ma Chao's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he immediately lifted his spirits.

Now the battle between the 12 army and Liu Feng's real swords and guns has become like this. It is obvious that there is no other way to fight recklessly, and the rest is strategy.

Although there are many wise men on Liu Feng's side, and Liu Feng himself can make good decisions, Sima Yi's schemes have been seen through several times.But Sima Yi is also a wise man in the world after all, and his tricks may not be seen through every time.

Moreover, they are the ones who implement the strategy, so it doesn't hurt to listen.

The Han people are good at using tricks and tricks.This situation has already penetrated into Mu Ya'er's heart.As soon as he heard it, he had a plan, and Ma Chao also called him a military adviser.

Immediately, Mu Ya'er's heart skipped a beat, and he looked up quickly.

Facing Ma Chao and Mu Ya'er's eyes, Yan Xing nodded with a smile, and said, "Yes, it is indeed a clever plan. According to my judgment, it will definitely defeat Liu Feng." First he boosted morale, and then Yan Xing asked Mu Ya'er said: "Now Feilang is dead, how long will it take Shanyu to completely control the Qiang army?"

Mu Ya'er smiled proudly when he heard the words, and said: "We Qiang people, the strongest people have the highest status. When Feilang was here, he was the strongest with me, but now Feilang is dead. I am the strongest, It only takes one day to control the remaining army."

"Okay, let's take a day off first. We will act according to the plan the next day." Yan Xing said after hearing the words.

Then, Yan Xing, Ma Chao, and Mu Ya'er talked about Sima Yi's strategy, which made Ma Chao and Mu Ya'er feel very regretful. If they had known this earlier, they would not have to attack by force.

Isn't it a simple matter to break Liu Feng according to plan?

Jincheng, the same Jincheng, did not change because the 12 troops set out to attack Liu Feng.Only those people above will be restless.

For example Ma Teng, Han Sui, Sima Yi and others.

At this moment, the three of them were having a drink in a side hall of General Han Sui's Mansion in the center of the city.

In the side hall, the charcoal fire was burning very well, driving away the severe cold.And Ma Teng, Han Sui, and Sima Yi knelt and sat around the charcoal fire, finishing the characters.

"I don't know what happened to the army going south?" Ma Teng said with a look of worry on his face.

"According to the number of 12 troops, there should be no problem. But just in case, after all, the wooden teeth and flying wolves are too arrogant. There is still a slight chance of failure, which is really worrying."

Han Sui nodded and said.

"I don't know what Zhongda thinks?" Then, Han Sui raised his head to look at Sima Yi.Hearing this, Ma Teng also looked at Sima Yi. [

"I think success or failure should be between five and five." Meeting the eyes of the two, Sima Yi smiled slightly and said.

"It's even more disturbing." Ma Teng and Han Sui's heart sank when they heard this, and they became even more disturbed.

"However, even if they fail, it won't be a big deal. After all, they are cavalry, and Liu Feng is infantry. Unless they are surrounded by four sides, if the cavalry wants to escape, Liu Feng will not be able to catch up." Sima Yi's face was the same as usual, even with a little smile, he said.

"Even so, it will lose morale and part of the army, which is very unfavorable." Ma Teng sighed and said.

"It's okay, I left a plan in advance for General Yan Xing, most likely to defeat Liu Feng." Sima Yi smiled and shook his head when he heard the words, and said.

"What's the plan?" Ma Teng and Han Sui asked impatiently, Qiqi's eyes lit up when they heard the words.

"Two generals, come here for a while." Sima Yi said with a slight smile.

Ma Teng and Han Sui heard the words and came to the front of Sima Yi without hesitation, and Sima Yi also bowed his head, and told Ma Teng and Han Sui his plan.

"A great plan, a great plan. Even if Liu Feng cannot be defeated, the morale of the Han army will be greatly weakened."

After listening, Ma Teng and Han Sui showed joy, and Ma Teng shouted again and again.But immediately afterwards, Ma Teng showed some doubts and asked: "Since there is such a clever plan, why didn't Zhongda use it in advance, but use it after the defeat?"

"That Flying Wolf, Mu Ya'er is strong in soldiers and horses, and his eyes are higher than the top. If he hadn't lost the battle, how could he use my strategy?" Sima Yi said with a slight smile when he heard the words.


Ma Teng and Han Sui immediately thought of Mu Ya'er and Fei Lang's arrogant appearance, and nodded in agreement.

"Anyway, no matter what happens in the battle ahead, whether Liu Feng is defeated or defeated for a while, there is a way to recover. As long as there are 12 cavalry, Liu Feng will be caught in the urn."

Sima Yi showed a confident, cold smile, and even opened his palm, and then squeezed it, making an arresting motion.

"It makes sense."

Ma Teng, Han Sui agreed deeply, nodded and said.

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