I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2204 : Chapter 1119 The Sound of Horseshoes at Night

The first thousand and 110 nine chapters of the horseshoe at night

The land in the northwest is extremely cold.Even in the daytime, when the sun is scorching, the wind is biting.After nightfall, the cold wind howled even more, like a blade, like an ice pick, and it was cold and painful when it hit people.

However, even so, some people have to pick up weapons, put on thick clothes, and patrol.

That is the soldiers of the Han army.

In the dark night, there is a place with a little bit of fire, which looks like a ball of fire from a distance.When I looked closer, I realized that this was the camp of the Han army. [

Among them, countless soldiers, wearing clothes and leather armor, holding spears, torches, etc., patrolled in the dark night.

Even in the face of the cold and sharp wind, the soldiers did not have any dissatisfaction on their faces. On the contrary, they were full of energy, looking around, alert to any abnormal situation around them.

When the Han army was normal, it had strict military discipline.However, the hard work of the soldiers is not only the strict military discipline, but also the cohesion of the Han army and the cohesion of Liu Feng.

In addition, in the past few days, the Han Dynasty has won Yongzhou, and Liangzhou is in sight, which makes the morale of the army high.

The combination of all kinds of things made the soldiers so willing to carry out vigil and patrol in this cold and windy night.

However, in the dark night, the people patrolling and guarding the night are not only soldiers, but also generals, even Liu Feng, the king's general.

Liu Feng started his army at the age of eight, and he fought across the world at the age of 17.During the nine years, Liu Feng spent most of his time in the barracks.In the barracks, Liu Feng had a very good habit.

That is, regardless of the cold or heat, Liu Feng would show up from time to time, patrolling the camp and the city during the day and night.

There is no other benefit, that is, being able to show your face in front of the soldiers and tell the soldiers that the general is still there and is still with them.

Every time Liu Feng patrols, he will see the admiration from the hearts of the soldiers.

What is reverence?That is military spirit.

For this military spirit, Liu Feng is willing to do anything.

It was as if in this bitterly cold night, Liu Feng was also wearing heavy clothes and a cloak, leading Dong Gai and other soldiers to patrol the camp.

Although Liu Feng has a strong body, he is actually pampered, he has not suffered much, and his skin is very tender.

Although Liu Feng wrapped her tightly, her face couldn't be covered.Under the blowing of the cold wind, Liu Feng's face became hot, and several cracks appeared on his face.

That kind of pain is really not a crime that the crown prince should suffer.But Liu Feng still held his head up, walking step by step in the cold wind, letting the cold wind bite his bones.

When Liu Feng patrolled around the big camp, he came near the big tent of the Chinese army.His cheeks were no longer painful and hot, and had become numb.

"Get hot water quickly." After entering the large tent of the Chinese army, the temperature suddenly rose a lot due to the strong charcoal fire, and the numbness was immediately dispelled, and the pain came again.Liu Feng said hastily, then took off his cloak and threw it aside.

Not long after, a soldier came over with hot water, and Liu Feng rubbed his face and soaked his feet at the same time, really embarrassed. [

On the other side, as Liu Feng's personal general, Dong Gai accompanied him throughout the whole process, and also enjoyed the bitter cold treatment.However, Dong Gai has rough skin and thick flesh, so he feels much better than Liu Feng.

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