I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2228 : Chapter 1132 Loser

The first thousand and 130 chapters two losers


Under the shocking roar of the Han army, the Qiang, Ma Teng, and Han Sui cavalry could hardly keep calm. They panicked and didn't know where they were going.

Even killing each other and trampling each other.

"Ah, you bastard, you actually cut me." [

"Who told you to block my way."

Among them were two cavalrymen. One of them saw the man in front of him blocking the road, while the Han army behind them approached with roaring roars. In desperation, he raised his weapon and slashed at the cavalry in front.

But in the end, the knife was missed, which aroused the anger of the cavalry, and then the two sides began to fight.


In the end, the cavalry at the rear won. The blade in its hand slashed at the neck of the cavalry in front. With a crisp sound, the head of the cavalry in front was thrown into the air.

The head glared angrily, full of unwillingness.But it couldn't change the ending, he died in the hands of his brothers of the same clan.

"Hahaha, who told you to block the way. Go." The rear cavalry who killed the front cavalry brandished the blade in his hand, looked up to the sky and laughed, extremely crazy.


At this moment, the roar of the Han army approached further.This made the cavalryman's laughter stop abruptly. He reined in his horse and was about to rush out, but suddenly stopped.

Because he found that after killing the cavalry just now, there were countless cavalry ahead, all of them were his clansmen.One can be killed, and two can be killed, but what about tens of thousands?

When seeing such a scene, the cavalryman couldn't help being cold and desperate.


At this time, the soldiers of the Han army arrived, and they raised the spears in their hands, and with the sound of killing, they stabbed out the spears in their hands.


A moment later, the spear pierced the Qiang cavalryman's chest, and with a scream, the cavalryman died.Not only did he die, he also killed one of his own cavalry before.

Terrible, an army without morale and discipline is quite terrifying.And the scene where this cavalryman slaughtered his compatriots and the clansman advanced happened one after another among the Ma Chao, Yan Xing, and Mu Ya'er cavalrymen.

In addition, these cavalry rode their horses, crowded and trampled on each other. For a while, the Han army hadn't done anything and hadn't warmed up yet, but the casualties of the cavalry were rising steadily.


Faced with such a defeated and collapsed enemy army, what can the soldiers of the Han army do?Roar and kill to your heart's content, kill to your heart's content.Vent out all the murderous intentions. [

Since the Han army invaded the northwest, they have fought bloody battles at the mouth of the river, swallowed Ma Teng, Han Sui tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, flooded Xianyang, swallowed Ma Teng, and Han Sui's [-] to [-] soldiers and horses.

But these two thieves, relying on their strong influence in the northwest and their deep roots, climbed up again and again.Under the authority of the orthodox world and the Han Dynasty, the Qiang people were actually invited to sit in the town.

He drew 12 cavalry and fought with the Han army. What a majestic army of 12 cavalry.Although it was still defeated by the Han army, the Han army itself also lost a lot of soldiers.

This made the Han army hold their breath, what 12 cavalry, sooner or later, you will be wiped out.Now, now is the time when 12 cavalry are wiped out.

Kill, kill, kill.

The blood flowed into rivers, the corpses became mountains, and no one was left behind.

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