I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2229 : Chapter 1132 Loser

Under the banner of "Han" commander, Liu Feng rode his horse and stood, looking at the scene in front of him, watching the soldiers struggling to kill the enemy, wishing to kill all the Qiang cavalry.

Although the cold wind was piercing, even though it was freezing, Liu Feng's chest was full of heat.This is just waiting for the rabbit, and this is the result he wants.

The 12 cavalry army is finished, Ma Teng and Han Sui are just dying, and there is no suspense to pacify Liangzhou.

"Rush and kill. The tigers of the big man." Liu Feng raised the horsewhip in his hand and roared vigorously.


The soldiers seemed to have heard Liu Feng's roar, and they roared in unison, and began to kill the Qiang cavalry one after another more quickly, more fiercely, and more invincibly.

But at this moment, not only the soldiers of the Han army were boiling, but even the generals. Except for Pang Tong, most of the generals rushed to the front line, but fought bloody battles.

"Hahaha, can this be called a strong soldier? A strong clan? In my opinion, even the most common battalion of our Han army is ten times stronger than this weak brigade."

The word "Dong" is under the flag, Dong Gai has been killed to the point of madness, I saw that his body, hands, face, and the long knife in his hand were covered with blood, but Dong Gai wanted to kill him.He looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, blatantly despising this Qiang cavalry.


Immediately afterwards, Dong Gai roared again, swung his saber across his horse, and rushed over again.

"Kill, kill, kill."

Dong Gai's name as a fierce general is naturally not Gai's, he saw that wherever he passed, stumps and broken arms immediately flew up, like a chariot rolling past, invincible.

"That's right, he's so arrogant that he's about to defeat the Han army, vulnerable, vulnerable. Hahaha."

On the other side, "Wei" was under the flag, Wei Yan heard Dong Gai's naked contempt, and let out a big laugh from the bottom of his heart.


After laughing, Wei Yan also put on a masculine body, and raised his sword to kill.


The generals laughed together, and then fought hard.

Under the leadership of the generals, the momentum of the soldiers of the Han army became even more high-spirited.They chopped down Qiang cavalry one after another, and then stepped on the corpses all over the ground, killing more Qiang cavalry.

"Ah, ah, ah."



"I surrender."[

Under the momentum of the Han army, the Qiang cavalry collapsed completely, screaming, begging for mercy, and calling for help.

And just a moment ago, Mu Ya'er was mobilizing his own morale, wanting to make the Han army scream, howl, and cry under the powerful Qiang cavalry like a woman.

Now, the situation is completely reversed.It was the Qiang cavalrymen who were like women. Facing the charge of the Han soldiers, they uttered shrill screams as if they were being raped.

This scene is not without irony.Not really, not interesting.

At this moment, Mu Ya'er, Ma Chao, and Yan Xing organized thousands of cavalry, and they were rushing towards the north. Wherever they passed, they would be killed if there was any obstacle.

But ahead, the Han army has already lined up to face their charge.With only a few thousand people, can they rush out?

Ma Chao, Yan Xing, and Mu Ya'er all had some doubts and apprehensions in their hearts.But at this moment, they heard the miserable howls and screams of the Qiang cavalry.

Immediately, the hearts of Ma Chao, Yan Xing, and Mu Ya'er shook, and they felt an indescribable shame.

They failed, failed completely.

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