I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2231 : Chapter 1133 Blocking

Soon, a round of arrows was exhausted, and Ma Chao gave a loud roar to boost morale.

"Kill." On the other side, Yan Xing was also safe and sound, and he also roared with all his strength, holding a spear and shouting.


The remaining cavalry barely cheered up and roared.

"It's just the end of the crossbow. Don't panic." Zhao Yun's expression was calm, and he exuded the breath of a general. [

Not only Zhao Yun was calm, but Zhang Liao was also calm, and the soldiers under the two of them were also calm.

Because everyone knew that it was just a dream that the other party wanted to rush out.Not to mention thousands of cavalry, even if it was [-], they would still stop them.


Countless Han army archers sneered, and then they put their arrows on their bows again, and let them go again.

"Whoosh whoosh."

Another round of arrows pierced the sky and headed towards Ma Chao, Yan Xing and other breakout troops.There were countless screams again, and countless Qiang cavalrymen were killed in this round of arrows.

With the passing of the two rounds of arrows, only less than 2000 Qiang cavalry broke out of the encirclement.

The Han army is so powerful, with only 2000 of them, can they break through?Despair, the breath of despair is spreading.Except for Ma Chao, Yan Xing and a few others, most of the cavalry fell into despair and their morale was low.

Feeling this atmosphere, Ma Chao and Yan Xing were in a hurry. Although they were extremely brave, if they wanted to break through, it would be just a dream on their own. The key still depends on the cooperation of these cavalrymen.


The cavalry was charging at a high speed. After two rounds of arrow rain, the distance between the two sides had already narrowed to a level.The archers of the Han army were not ready to shoot arrows anymore, but drew out their short knives and prepared to meet the enemy.

Taking advantage of this time, Ma Chao let out a roar, and rushed to the front with a gun. His morale was sluggish, so he should boost his morale. His method was very simple. A high morale.


As the so-called hero sees the same thing, Yan Xing also thought the same way at the critical moment, so he spearheaded, stood side by side with Ma Chao, and charged at the Han army.


The next moment, the cavalry charging at high speed collided with the Han army waiting in formation, without any fancy, the two sides stood together.At this moment, the quality of the Han army is fully displayed.

The spearmen standing in the front row were either killed by the cavalry charging at high speed, or stabbed to death the cavalry in the front. All of them died generously, and no one retreated.

Under such circumstances, they formed a sharp contrast with the collapsed Qiang cavalry.


Under the obstruction of the soldiers of the Han army, the cavalry charging at high speed was finally blocked.After they blocked the cavalry, they roared angrily, advanced instead of retreating, and killed the Qiang cavalry.


The Qiang cavalry were already timid, but the morale of the Han soldiers was high, and there was no accident when the two sides came into contact.After fighting for a while, countless Qiang cavalrymen were stabbed and fell off their horses, dying in a pool of blood.


However, among the Qiang cavalry, Ma Chao and Yan Xing were an odd number. The two stood side by side, one with a gun and the other with a spear, and they killed all the Han soldiers on their backs.

It seems that they want to fight a bloody way out of the tight Han army formation.

"I was escaped by you last time, how can I let you leave today." Zhao Yun yelled, and rushed over with a gun.

"Let's stay." Zhang Liao also smiled sternly, and rushed up with a knife.

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