I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2232 : Chapter 1134 Pigs and dogs are not as good as

The first thousand and 130 chapters four are not as good as pigs and dogs

Following Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao, each holding a blade, they rode out on horseback.The general flag behind the two also moved accordingly.Suddenly, the momentum of the Han army became violent.

"Press the flag up, press the flag up."

"Kill, kill, in today's battle, no matter who it is, we must stay, we must win a big victory, we must win a big victory."

"If you don't stop these people, I'm sorry, General." [

Countless Han soldiers roared in unison, and killed them with their blades.


Under the momentum of the Han army, the defeated Qiang cavalry became more and more unbearable. In the roar of killing, countless Qiang cavalry were killed.

At this moment, the Qiang cavalry were really as poor and lowly as grass.

What Qiang people, what warriors, they are nothing in front of the Han army.Perhaps, the Qiang people were once powerful, but at this moment, the Han army is the most powerful, even invincible in the world.

Any person or tribe that claims to be stronger than the Han army will suffer this fate.


On this side, the Qiang cavalry were frustrated, as if they were worthless, they were being slaughtered by the soldiers of the Han army, and their numbers were decreasing sharply.On the other side, Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao were riding their horses towards Ma Chao and Yan Xing.

Wherever the two of them passed by, the Qiang cavalrymen all raised their heads, screaming in pain.

Zhao Yun rushed towards Ma Chao, but before that, he met Mu Ya'er.Before Zhao Yun was discovered, Mu Ya'er was also fighting fiercely. As a Qiang, even a wise man, Mu Ya'er had impressive fighting power. In front of him, countless Han soldiers turned into corpses.

When he accidentally raised his head, he saw Zhao Yun approaching.That compelling aura, those eyes full of murderous intent.Immediately, Mu Ya'er remembered a picture in his mind, which he never wanted to understand, but kept replaying in his mind.

That was the scene of Feilang being stabbed to death in front of Zhao Yun.

"You are Zhao Yun." Therefore, when Mu Ya'er saw Zhao Yun, his first reaction was to break his heart. He yelled in disbelief, and then turned his horse's head wildly, trying to pull the horse and run away.

"Now that you know my name, An dare to retreat." Zhao Yun was a little surprised that Mu Ya'er knew his name, but then Zhao Yun abandoned this surprise and let out a domineering big cry instead. laughter.

Immediately, Zhao Yun rode the horse and charged forward.Mu Ya'er was heartbroken and panicked, but Zhao Yun charged up his strength, and the gap between the two sides was immediately revealed.

The next moment, Zhao Yun thrust out his long spear, which was as swift as lightning and as nimble as a dragon.


A scream came from Mu Ya'er's mouth, and a spear pierced Mu Ya'er's chest.At this moment, no one knows how Mu Ya'er is feeling.

He was so desperate, so unwilling, so regretful. [

Needless to say, despair, how can a dying person not despair?As for not being reconciled to regretting, it's even simpler. If he hadn't come to help out with enthusiasm, he wouldn't have ended up like this.

This is regret.

It's all right to come to help, after Feilang Yu Wanjun was stabbed to death by Zhao Yun, he automatically became the Great Chanyu of the Qiang people, and as long as he returned to Qiangzhong, he would be able to ascend the throne.

But the result, the result was that he misjudged again, thinking that Sima Yi's ingenious plan could make the Han army fall apart, and then defeat the Han army.

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