I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2381 : Chapter 1208 Darkness and Yinping

Chapter [-] Darkness and Yinping

Following Liu Feng's order, the camp was built brightly and darkened.

The entire Han army camp immediately began to operate.In the next four or five days, countless densely populated Han soldiers continued to build the camp.

If it is said that when Liu Feng arrived at Baishuiguan on the first day, the big camp was considered simple, then four or five days later, Liu Feng's big camp could be called luxurious.

I saw that outside the camp, densely packed trenches, traps and other fortifications were dug. In addition, several trenches were even constructed. [

Under such a structure, the defensive power of the entire camp is estimated to be comparable to that of ordinary cities.

In addition, there are military rations every day, and the luggage is under the escort of the army, coming from the direction of Hanzhong.

This posture is to accumulate strength first, and then attack fiercely, fighting a protracted battle.

On this day, when the sky was getting dark, a large group of people came from the east and entered the camp through the West Camp Gate.After Baishui was shut off, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu stopped to watch.

You can clearly see this team of people.

"Within five days, more than ten teams have come from the east with food and supplies. It seems that Liu Feng also expected to fight with us." Sun Ce said with a smile.

Facing their Baishui Pass, Liu Feng is ready to fight a protracted war. Doesn't this prove from the side that their pass is dangerous and powerful?

This greatly cheered Sun Ce up.

"Maybe this can be used to boost morale, to make up for the lost morale five days ago." Zhou Yu thought deeply, and couldn't help saying.

Five days ago, Sun Ce fled in despair, and his morale dropped greatly.But five days later, Liu Feng treated Baishuiguan with such caution, which encouraged the morale of the army.

"Okay, order immediately." Sun Ce smiled heartily when he heard the words, and nodded.


Zhou Yu promised, and immediately went down to make arrangements.And not long after, the entire Bashu in Baishuiguan, and the Jiangdong Sixth Route Army knew the news.

As expected by Zhou Yu, the originally low morale has picked up.When the two sides fight, the first thing to fight is morale.If the morale is like a rainbow, then 20 elite soldiers can also defeat [-] elite soldiers.

If morale is low, the opposite is true.

And this point is more important for the forces guarding the pass, the city, and on the other side.

Soon after, the sky darkened.On the pass, torches were lit, and countless soldiers were patrolling and guarding.Their faces regained the high morale they had seen a few days ago, and their eyes seemed like nothing in the Han army.

Feeling this change, Sun Ce smiled slightly, and finally felt relieved.

"Xiongguan, Xiongbing. I don't believe Liu Feng that you can contribute to Shu, unless you fly over there." Sun Ce looked east and smiled, and said. [

The last half of this sentence, unless you fly past.It is a possibility that Sun Ce thinks, but Sun Ce himself does not believe in this possibility.

That's why Sun Ce was so calm.However, it happens.Liu Feng was really planning to do this.

The Yinping trail can pass through dangerous mountains and rivers. Although it is not winged, it is almost the same.

The night is like ink, and I can't see my fingers.

The camp of the Han army stretched for several miles, and a torch was lit at every interval. In the dark night, it seemed like a giant beast, which made people daunting.

From the outside, the whole camp was very quiet, and nothing special happened.But inside the camp, earth-shaking changes have taken place.

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