I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2382 : Chapter 1208 Darkness and Yinping

"Da da da."

Amidst the sound of dull footsteps, teams of the king's general's personal soldiers gathered in a school field near the big tent.

Not long after, more than [-] kings and generals all arrived at the scene.Their eyes are sharp, their bodies are burly, and their golden armor is like a lamp, shining in the dark night, very dazzling.The overall momentum is very strong.

In front of the general Wang Shang was a small general-pointing platform. At this moment, eight generals including Liu Feng and Zhao Yun stopped silently on the general-pointing platform.

"Gu Jin sent out troops at this time, and the darkness is gone. Everything in the camp is entirely up to you." After a while, Liu Feng took a deep breath, then raised his fists at Zhao Yun and other generals and said. [

"I will definitely encourage you." Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao and other seven generals all bowed to Liu Feng and solemnly said.

"it is good."

Looking at the faces of Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao, Ma Chao, Yan Xing, Pang De, Li Yan, Wang Wei and other seven generals, is there any reason for Liu Feng to feel uneasy?So Liu Feng opened his mouth to smile and said hello.

Then, Liu Feng turned to Dong Gai and said, "Let's go out."

"Promise." Dong Gai's anger sank to his dantian, and he promised in a deep voice.Obviously, preparations have been made for a long time.

Immediately, Liu Feng and Dong Gai got off the general platform one after the other, and after getting off the general platform, the two got on their horses together and led the army to the north.

Yinping Road is in the northwest, not in Hanzhong at all.Liu Feng led the army to Hanzhong, and the approach to Baishuiguan was nothing but eye-catching.

"I wish the general the victory." Zhao Yun took a deep breath, and bowed deeply to Liu Feng's leaving figure.The rest of the generals also saluted silently.

"The general has left, and we must not take it lightly. Don't let that Sun Ce, Zhou Yu see the truth." Immediately, Zhao Yun turned his head and said to the generals.


The generals slammed their promises.

Although there is Liu Feng's winning strategy, and he has already put it into action.But the Han army is still the Han army, still so calm.

Leaving aside the calmness of the Han army, when Liu Feng led the army to leave late at night, it was like a grain of gold in the sand, without revealing half of the golden light.

Inside Baishui Pass, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu never expected that Liu Feng would make such a move.

The Bashu in Baishuiguan, Jiangdong's soldiers, and the Han army outside the pass fell into a very dull stalemate.On the other hand, after Liu Feng left the camp late at night, he headed northwest all the way.

Pass through Dingjun Mountain, go down to Bian, and arrive at Yinping.Along the way, there was no sound.It seems to be walking in brocade clothes at night, quietly.

Yinping is a city and the beginning of the Yinping Ancient Road.The city is not big, looming among the surrounding mountains.The population in the city is also small, only a few hundred households, just over a thousand people.

Now the northern Han army is strong, and the southern Shuzhong is not weak.This city happened to be in the gap between the two forces and did not belong to any force.

Also because the geographical location is not important, no war has been experienced.Liu Feng led the General Wang's personal troops to Yinping, but the originally peaceful city was thrown into chaos. [

However, the county magistrate in the city was very knowledgeable. After he knew that Wang Shi had arrived, he immediately led his left and right out of the city to meet Liu Feng.


Outside the south gate of the city, the soldiers of the great general of the king stood with their heads held high. At the front, Liu Feng and Dong Gai stood on horseback.

When the county magistrate came outside the city gate and saw this large army, he felt awe-inspiring and became even more humble.So, he got off his horse and hurried forward to meet the general.

The county magistrate was quite discerning, but Liu Feng and Dong Gai recognized that Liu Feng was the real master.

"Your name." Although Liu Feng knew that there was Yin Ping, he didn't know who the prefect was, so he opened his mouth and asked.

"Back to the general, the minister's surname is Liu, and his reputation." The county magistrate Zhang Wang saluted respectfully.

"It turned out to be Zhang Qing." Liu Feng nodded, and then said: "Gu wants to enter the Yinping Road. Qing went to find a guide and went out with Gu."

Crossing Yin and Pingdao, of course, you can't smear your eyes, you need a guide.And Liu Feng was also afraid that the county magistrate would be deceitful, so he sent a spy as a guide, and then flew to report to Liu Zhang.

At that time, the defeat of the army will be a small matter, but the death will be a major matter.

Naturally, Liu Feng would not let Zhang Wang go, but let Zhang Wang go with him.

And look around?Liu Feng's words immediately made him uneasy.

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