I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2434 : Chapter 1235 Heroic as a Fire

The first thousand and 230 five chapters are as fierce as fire


The Han army was full of momentum, like a raging fire.And as the soldiers of the Han army began to climb the ladder, they began to climb the city wall.Immediately, this aura ignited even more.

It seemed that a boundless fire was burning towards the city of Jiangzhou. The fire was too fierce.It even made Jiangzhou's soldiers and elites faintly smell a burning smell.

This made the soldiers and the strong men suddenly change their faces, and even trembled.Is this the Han army?Is this the Han army?At this moment, they finally felt the coldness of the Han army, the majesty of the Han army, and even the invincible momentum of the Han army. [

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it. No matter how strong they are, they are only mortal bodies. Blades can kill, arrows can shoot, and stones can kill. Rolling stones, logs, brothers, robes greet them."

Of course, there were those who were not reconciled. A military officer of the Jiangdong soldiers was trembling, but he stopped suddenly. Then, with a roar, he picked up a huge rolling stone and threw it down.



The rolling stone fell, and there was a scream.However, a Han soldier happened to be hit by a rolling stone, and his brain burst and died.

"Yes, yes, no matter how strong they are, they still have the same mortal body as us." Immediately, the rest of Jiangdong, who was captured by the aura of the Han army, woke up like a dream, shouted one after another, and picked up the Roll the stone, and the log will fall down.

It has been a long time since Sun Ce led his army back into Jiangzhou. He prepared a large number of defensive weapons, arrows, rolling stones, logs, and oil in Jiangzhou.

I saw an astonishing amount of rolling stones and logs piled up on the city.And with the transfer of soldiers and strong men.

"Bang bang bang."

"Ah, ah, ah."

Suddenly, there were countless rolling stones, heavy thumping of logs, and screams.Countless soldiers of the Han army have followed in the footsteps of brains.

For a moment, the bloody smell rose from above and below the city, making people sick.

But what about the Han army?Could it be that the Han army was timid?

"Hahaha, Han army, you are nothing more than that." Seeing such a scene, a soldier of the Jiangdong soldiers suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.


But then, an arrow came in front of him and hit the Jiangdong soldier in the neck.

"Uh, Gollum."

The Jiangdong soldier, who was laughing up to the sky, was startled for a while, then swallowed a mouthful of blood with difficulty, and finally fell to the ground.

There was still a smile on the corner of his mouth, but his eyes had dimmed.full of cruelty. [

"Today, I will move this city for the general, even if I die, I will have no regrets." Even a Han soldier roared angrily, and rushed up with a short blade.

"Death without regret."

Countless soldiers of the Han army suddenly spurted blood, roared again and again, brandishing short knives, and rushed up.

The rain-like arrows on the city, the rolling stones and logs like death did not break down the morale of the Han army. State Heart.

Jiangdong Sun Ce, against Kouer, dared to stop Wang Shi.

With this momentum, the Han soldiers were stroked, and the strong and nimble ones rushed to the city first.


The soldier didn't know when he took off his leather armor and clothes, and at this moment his upper body was bare, revealing his strong and developed muscles, holding a short blade, his eyes were fierce, and his aura was abnormal.

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