I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2435 : Chapter 1235 Heroic as a Fire

With a roar, the Han soldier raised his knife and killed a person in front of him.This man has a coarse cloth shirt and is a strong man in Jiangzhou.This person was still aggressive just now, but at this moment, facing the oncoming blade, his whole body froze.

I was so overwhelmed by fear that I couldn't respond.


The next moment, the dagger cut through the soldier's neck, his head flew out, and a fountain of blood gushed out from his neck.

The gushing blood drenched the entire body of the soldiers of the Han army, and even stained the lips of the soldiers.But the soldier didn't take it seriously. On the contrary, he smiled coldly, stretched out his tongue and licked his lips, and immediately unbearable blood poured into his throat and swallowed into his stomach. [

At this moment, there are many Jiangdong soldiers around. The Jiangdong soldiers are fine, but the rest of the Jingzhuang saw this scene, and suddenly their hands and feet felt cold, and they felt abnormally cold.

Many people have begun to regret, standing on the city and fighting the Han army.They were ordinary people. Although Liu Feng was a little cruel to Liu Zhang's clan, it seemed that he was a little bit more iron-fisted in notifying Yizhou.

But it seems that I have never heard of it. After Liu Feng broke the city, there was a record of massacring the city.

They seem to be fine if they don't move, but now that they move, they will be in big trouble.

"Today I will teach you once, no matter who, as long as you take up arms and block the king's teacher, you will die." Facing the cowardice expressed by the strong men, the Han soldier did not have any sympathy. Instead, he smiled coldly and shouted With a cry, he swung his short blade and charged forward.


The bloody killing started again.

However, this was not the only soldier of the Han army who broke through the defense of the city and stood on the city.Everywhere, Han soldiers broke through the defenses and established themselves on the city.

The killing proceeded freely, whether it was a strong man or a Jiangdong soldier in front, they were all hunting targets of the Han soldiers.As the soldiers of the Han army said, as long as they take up weapons to block the king's division, no matter who it is, that is one word, death.

"Ah, ah, ah."

And as the Han army boarded the city, the archers on the city could no longer concentrate on firing arrows towards the city, which made the Han soldiers below the city attack without many obstacles.

Their steps were faster, their momentum was stronger, and more soldiers rushed to the city of Jiangzhou.

For a while, the arrogance of the Han army rose.

Like a great fire, it invaded the city of Jiangzhou, and it was extremely fierce.

"Underestimate Liu Feng, underestimate Liu Feng."

Although it is said that many soldiers of the Han army have rushed to the soldiers of Jiangzhou, it is relatively safe in front of the city gate.Because there are countless elites, all here.

Even Tai Shici stood with a gun.

But standing here, one can feel the changes in the city of Jiangzhou.Sensing this change, Zhou Yu's pupils shrank, filled with an indescribable feeling.

Since Liu Feng's rise, he has fought against Jiangdong Sun Ce, but he has never confronted Zhou Yu.Because every time there was a fight, Zhou Yu was stationed outside. [

Therefore, Zhou Yu didn't have much idea about Liu Feng's army.It is expected that, at most, they are better than Jiangdong Bing on the front line.

But never thought that it would be so strong.

Otherwise, Zhou Yu would not risk dividing his troops, nor would he think that [-] elite soldiers and [-] elite soldiers would be able to defend the city of Jiangzhou.

Until now, Zhou Yu knew how powerful the Han army was, and it was extremely powerful.The equipment, physique, military discipline, and even the military spirit of this large army surpassed that of Jiangdong soldiers.

Especially the military spirit, that kind of support for the Han Dynasty is an unimaginable force.An army, what is the most important, equipment?Physique?Discipline?

It's not, it's courage, the courage to fight.

Where does courage come from?Although Liu Feng is influential, it has a lot to do with the accumulation of the Han Dynasty for hundreds of years.Although Jiangdong also condensed the heart of Wu Yue, fighting the world.

But it was weaker than the Han Dynasty by more than a notch.

"Miscalculated, miscalculated." Zhou Yu knew, this time he was wrong, a small wrong step.But with results that could lead to catastrophe.

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