I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2436 : Chapter 1236 Deeper Despair

The first thousand 230 six chapters deeper despair

Immediately, Zhou Yu glanced around the situation on the city again.Although he couldn't see clearly in the dark, Zhou Yu felt strongly the timidity and fear of those strong people.

Zhou Yu knew that Jingzhuang could only serve as an assistant, not as the main force.It is necessary to increase the number of elite soldiers on the city and reduce the number of elite soldiers, so as to form a strong defense force to resist the Han army.

Otherwise, in front of the Han army, using a large number of elites will only bring humiliation and self-destruction.

So, Zhou Yu turned around and shouted at Tai Shici: "Increase the elite soldiers and reduce the elite soldiers. Use this to resist." [


Although Tai Shici is a fierce general, he is not brave or foolhardy. On the contrary, Tai Shici has been in the world for many years, has rich experience, and is aware of the problem. Therefore, he did not hesitate to agree to Zhou Yu's order.

After that, he quickly turned around and went down to transfer.

Immediately, countless officers began to retreat, and a large number of strong men were notified to walk down the city wall.And these strong people knew that they didn't have to risk their lives to fight the Han army for the time being, and they were overjoyed immediately, and they went down the city wall as if they had been pardoned.

"Da da da."

After the strong men got off the city wall, countless Jiangdong elite soldiers began to walk up the city wall in an orderly manner.These Jiangdong elite soldiers are wearing armor and holding spears, and their faces are firm and resolute, full of a kind of rigidity.

It's completely different from those Jingzhuang who were temporarily transferred.


And with the addition of these strong people, the defense of the city suddenly became countless times thicker.The advantage that the Han army had just now also suddenly became smaller.

Both sides shouted and killed while fighting.Casualties soared, but no one could do anything to anyone.For a while, the fighting came to a stalemate.

At the same time, the fighting in Dingkang Mountain in the north was even more bloody.Because there are no strong soldiers on Dingkang Mountain, only the elite soldiers led by Sun Ce and Han Dang.

From the very beginning, the two sides started a bloody fight.The fallen corpse turned into a small mountain, and the blood that flowed down stained the small river in the mountain red.

The blood-red blood mixed with the drinking water, and flowed down together, full of blood.

The two sides really started shopping.

In front of the camp of the Han army, Liu Feng rode his horse and stood under the banner of the "Han" commander. Zhang Liao, Meng Huo, Wu Yi and other generals surrounded Liu Feng like stars.

Although Liu Feng was in the rear, soldiers kept sending news from the front.Therefore, Liu Feng can be said to be well aware of the progress of this war.

"Sun Ce, Zhou Yu is really powerful."

Liu Feng looked forward to Jiangzhou City and said sincerely.Although the Han army is now powerful, the territory controlled by the Han Dynasty is even more populous.

Liu Feng also had enough capital, and dared to use his national strength to fight for all the princes.But in fact, Liu Feng kind of hates this kind of shopping without technical content. [

Because every shopping fight will lead to the death of countless elite soldiers, and the death of elite soldiers must be supplemented with elite soldiers.Although Liu Feng is not afraid, it is not a small injury to the whole big man.

Therefore, Liu Feng only went shopping two or three times in his life, and one of them was to attack Chang'an by force, breaking through Chang'an within a day.

Another time was against Ma Teng and Han Sui.Under the shopping, the two heroes were defeated again and again.

It can be said that although the Han army does not often use shopping, which is a "low-level" method that only competes for national strength and military strength, every time it is used, it can destroy the enemy.

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