I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2579 : Chapter 1309 Foregone conclusion

Chapter [-] Foregone conclusion

I was happy in my heart, but Deng Zhi didn't show it.Because at this moment, there are many Xiongnu nobles around, even though Yu Ren'er is the Zuoxian King.

But it's not completely safe.

If you show joy, you will be mistaken for arrogance, and you will be cut into corpses by knives.Death is a small thing, but a big event is a big deal if it breaks.

Therefore, Deng Zhi at this moment is calm and steady. [

Deng Zhi was calm and steady, but some people couldn't calm down and calm down.

"Yu Ren'er, you actually defend this Han Chinese." Bone Rabbit was extremely loyal, and at this moment, anger almost filled his entire chest.He was eager for revenge, and if Yu Ren'er hadn't stopped him, he would have cut Deng Zhi in two.

But by chance, Yu Ren'er came out.So the bone rabbit glared at Yu Ren'er, gnashing his teeth.

"Yes, King Zuo Xian. This man deserves to die."

"Exactly, if you don't kill this person, the Xiongnu will lose face."

"Kill him, and only by killing him can you avenge your hatred."

At this moment, Bone Rabbit's words resonated with many Xiongnu nobles, and they said one after another.

Yu Ren'er smiled wryly when he heard the words, and said helplessly: "Everyone thinks, if we kill this person at this moment, how will we face the Han Dynasty?"

"The Han people have a saying that when soldiers come, they will block the water and cover it with soil."

Bone Rabbit thought that Yu Ren'er was timid, so he smiled disdainfully and said.

"Go away, coward, I'm going to kill him and avenge the Great Chanyu." Immediately afterwards, the bone rabbit screamed wildly, and with the fierce courage of his arms, with explosive force, he drove away the long spear in Yu Ren'er's hand. knife, and then charged towards Deng Zhi.

"Touch." After Yu Ren'er drove away, Gu Tu'er raised his saber again, intending to end Deng Zhi.Seeing the change in Yu Ren'er's attitude at this moment, Deng Zhi had already started to make further plans.

How can I let myself die in vain?So, Deng Zhi raised his sword and blocked it.

As the swords on both sides wanted to strike, Deng Zhi suddenly felt a huge force coming from the sword.In an instant, the long sword in Deng Zhi's hand was blown away by Ge Fei.

Even so, at least it bought a little time for Deng Zhi himself.One move was missed, Gutu'er raised his scimitar and charged at Deng Zhi again.


At this time, Yu Ren'er, who was driven away by the bone rabbit, gave a roar, and attacked the bone rabbit from behind without hesitation with a scimitar in his hand, with a fierce momentum.


The next moment, blood spattered, and the bone rabbit's head was thrown high, flying a zhang away, while the body was constantly castrating, and the long knife in his hand slashed towards Deng Zhi. [


Deng Zhi was cut down head-on, blood spattering.

"Sir." Seeing this, Yu Ren'er's eyes were about to burst, and he yelled, immediately gave up the scimitar, strode towards Deng Zhi, and helped Deng Zhi up.

"Thank you King Zuo Xian for your help, I'm fine." Deng Zhi took a deep breath and opened his mouth.

Immediately, Yu Ren'er breathed a sigh of relief, and then his heart tightened. He quickly checked Deng Zhi's injuries, and then he was completely relieved.

Just now Bone Rabbit was also strong and mighty, even if he was dead, he could still slash at Deng Zhi with his knife, but he was dead after all, and his successor was weak, so the knife was not deep.

After that, Yu Ren'er helped Deng Zhi up, and ordered people to go outside quickly to ask for a doctor.After that, Yu Ren'er had time to think about other things.

I saw that Yu Ren'er swept towards the bone rabbit's body first, and saw that the body was already at the bottom, still bleeding, and the head had stopped bleeding, but his eyes were opened angrily, as if he was an angry King Kong.

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