I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2580 : Chapter 1309 Foregone conclusion

That look, the demeanor, seemed to be unbelievable, he was already dead, and he was attacked by Yu Ren'er from behind.

"Evil slave, I almost let you ruin the big event." Although he killed the bone rabbit, Yu Ren'er not only did not feel guilty at this moment, but was full of resentment, so he cursed loudly.

"Da da da."

At this moment, a doctor came in, with sixtieth hair and not young.After entering, he naturally saw the body of Yu Fuluo, the bone rabbit.

After being frightened, but after Yu Ren'er calmed down, the doctor also calmed down a little, and began to treat Deng Zhi. [

Deng Zhi was fine, the bone rabbit died again, and he cursed and cursed.Yu Ren'er's mood improved a little bit, but immediately became heavy again.

He first glanced at the body of Yu Fuluo, the bone rabbit, and then he glanced around at the Huns nobles.Just now, Gu Tu'er wanted to kill Deng Zhi, but Yu Ren'er stopped him.Many Hun nobles expressed their anger.

But at this moment, they fell into silence.Or the sparkle in the eyes, uncertain.Or look apprehensive, very frightened.

Yu Ren'er knew that what he said just now had worked.Let these nobles wake up from the humiliation and anger of Yufulo being killed on the spot.

Realizing the reality clearly, their Huns are no longer the powerful Huns at the beginning, but the Southern Huns who surrendered to the Han Dynasty hundreds of years ago.

An ordinary tribe living in Hetao for generations, relying on the blessing of the Han Dynasty, based in Hetao.

And the current Han Dynasty, in a sense, is even more terrifying than before.At the beginning, no matter how strong Emperor Xiaowu was, he had a good name and a good face.

Facing the surrender of the Southern Huns, he showed the grace of the upper country and used the Hetao area to appease the Southern Huns.But now the crown prince of the great Han Dynasty, the great general of the king is a family that will destroy people if he moves.

I have no interest in surrendering to foreigners.

Of course, even that.The Huns are not without the power to fight, just like what Yu Fuluo planned, they can use the power of the four countries to smash the Han Dynasty.

But the problem is, Yuvro is dead now.

Yu Fuluo has been in power for more than ten years, and his prestige is very high. For the Huns, he is a handsome flag, but now this handsome flag is broken.

This is bound to affect morale, and the Han Dynasty has a strong deterrent effect after the Qiang clan's genocide war.

It wasn't Yu Ren'er who destroyed his prestige by himself, he clearly knew that ordinary warriors might be a little afraid of fighting with the Han Dynasty.With the superposition of these two phases, there is no prerequisite for sending troops.

Unless you wait a few years, and wait until the new big order is established and its position is stable, you can send troops.But the problem is that Liu Feng's power has swelled like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

However, in more than ten years, it has swelled to the point where it is now.In a few years, maybe they will rule the world.

What a fart they are still participating in the war, there must be a catastrophe of genocide by then.

Therefore, the immediate priority is not to kill Deng Zhi to avenge Yu Fuluo.Not only did he not take revenge, but he wanted to protect Deng Zhi and avoid further hostilities with the Han Dynasty.

In order to keep the entire Huns.That's why Yu Ren'er yelled at Gutu'er, calling him an evil slave, which almost ruined your event. [

This is really well-founded, a swearing from the bottom of my heart.

"Everyone must have thought clearly. At present, the Great Huns are very weak, and the Great Shanyu is also dead, so he is even weaker. Let alone participating in the war, even sending troops to wave the flag is risky. Hehe, Revenge? If the tribe is destroyed because of revenge, then it’s worth not to take revenge.”

Yu Ren'er took a deep breath, and said unabashedly to the Huns nobles present.

After hearing Yu Ren'er's words, the nobles became more agitated, but in the end they calmed down and did not take any further actions.


And silence is the default.

"Sir, the Huns are willing to respond to the call of the Han Dynasty and send troops. The [-] fine cavalry have been mobilized a long time ago, and they can set off at any time."

Seeing this, Yu Ren'er turned his head and saluted Deng Zhi. His expression was not polite, but he was not disrespectful.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Ren'er asked again: "It's just that I have a doubt in my heart, please answer it, sir."

At this moment, Deng Zhi had just been bandaged by the doctor and was putting on her clothes again.When he saw Yu Ren'er's expression, he didn't care.It would be a strange thing to kill someone's elder brother just now, if he was still very polite.

It was Deng Zhi's guarantee to Yu Ren'er, and he was very happy.However, after all, it was expected, Deng Zhi was overjoyed for a moment, and then forgot about it.Turning to Yu Ren'er's doubts, he became interested, nodded and said, "Speak."

"Dare to ask, sir, but it has been expected for a long time, and I will come forward to stop it?" Yu Ren'er asked, and immediately, Yu Ren'er stared at Deng Zhi firmly.

There was doubt in that gaze, but also fear.

If Deng Zhi had expected that he would come forward to stop him, and then made up his mind to kill Yu Fuluo, it would be really terrible, so terrible that people have to be afraid.

Therefore, Yu Ren'er is the fear.

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