I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2583 : Chapter 1311 Cai Zhaoji

The first thousand and 310 chapters Cai Zhaoji

Sure enough, as Deng Zhi expected, after hearing Deng Zhi's words, Yu Ren'er and other Xiongnu nobles immediately realized Deng Zhi's sinister intentions.

But many people kept silent.

Because it is true that if it is divided into ten parts, then ten of them will gain power, different power, which is a very desirable thing.

Therefore, no one made sense of this matter.Since it is meaningless, it is time to consider the possibility of sending troops to the Xianbei people. [

After thinking about it, the nobles of the Huns also felt that it was feasible.

Because indeed, as Deng Zhi expected, the Xianbei people are powerful, but they spread all over the grassland, their forces are scattered, and they have no defense against the weak Xiongnu.

Under such circumstances, if there is a sudden attack, it will definitely win a brilliant victory in the early stage.

As for what will happen in the later stage, that is not something they should consider.Didn't Deng Zhi say that?In Jinyang City, there are only a few at most.

A few months later, Hanjun was free, and the Xiongnu would naturally fight with the Xianbei.

Thinking of it this way, the resistance in the hearts of the nobles of the Huns suddenly became much weaker, and many people even shone brightly in their eyes.

War means plunder, wealth.

The Xianbei people are strong, and the Xianbei people are rich.But now they can rely on the Han family to rob the Xianbei people of wealth and women, which is really wonderful.

"Okay, we are willing to send troops to Xianbei."

After Yu Ren'er and other Hun nobles thought hard for a moment, they finally couldn't resist the temptation to plunder the Xianbei's wealth, and they all nodded and said.

"Everyone is wise." Seeing this, Deng Zhi finally showed a smile on his face, and said.

However, immediately after, Deng Zhi said: "However, it is also true of what you just said. After all, Yu Fuluo is dead, and the Huns have no leader. Even if they are divided into ten tribes, there must be a dragon leader. I am not talented, and I am willing to temporarily What do you guys think about taking the position of commander and commanding ten cavalry of the Huns against Xianbei?"

"If you are sir, I will be convinced."

On this day, Deng Zhi's performance had already shocked the entire Xiongnu.Therefore, after Deng Zhi recommended himself, the nobles of the Xiongnu replied without any hesitation.

"Okay, let's get started."

Seeing this, Deng Zhi waved his big hand and ordered.


Yu Ren'er and other Xiongnu nobles all agreed, and then walked out together, following Deng Zhi's order, to start the arrangement.

And it is easy to divide this division into ten divisions to mobilize troops and horses. [

Because, if Yu Fuluo wanted to send troops to the Han Dynasty, he had secretly mobilized his troops long ago.However, after Yu Ren'er and others went out, they did not immediately mobilize troops.

They first announced the death of Yuvro, announcing that it was a sudden and sudden death.Then, ten Liang Shuai were selected, and they divided the entire tribe of the Huns, the warriors, into ten divisions.

In order to order the Huns.

Yu Fuluo has been in power for more than ten years, and there are many diehards among them.Therefore, the deeds of Yu Ren'er and others did not go smoothly, and they encountered a lot of resistance.

However, in the end, they were killed by Yu Ren'er and others.

It can be said that in the whole process, except for a few waves, everything developed very smoothly.

Deng Zhi's mission to the Xiongnu was a heavy responsibility, but he didn't know that Yu Fuluo, the Hun, had secretly planned to tear the Han Dynasty into pieces.

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