I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2584 : Chapter 1311 Cai Zhaoji

But in the end, because of Deng Zhi's efforts to turn the tide, the matter should be settled.Even Yu Fuluo, the tough Xiongnu, was beheaded.

Then, the Xiongnu was divided into ten divisions, which further divided the power of the Xiongnu.

It can be said to be a big win.

If it were another person, after establishing such a meritorious service, he would definitely be extremely happy.But Deng Zhi is not such a person.

After giving the order, Deng Zhi started further planning.First, I found a few Huns who were familiar with the grassland to learn about the grassland. [

Then, formulate further offensive plans.

Very solid and steady.

At this moment, Deng Zhi already understood almost everything. According to several Huns who knew about the grassland, Deng Zhi made a rough map to divide the current sphere of influence of the Xianbei people.

Of course, the Xianbei people are nomads and may migrate at any time. The map can only be used as a reference and cannot be trusted.

In the hall, the bodies of Yu Fuluo and his wife have been cleaned up, and the blood has been wiped clean.Not only that, but also put an incense burner.

But even so, it couldn't completely cover up the bloody smell.

This made every Hun who entered the hall look a little strange.

At the moment, Deng Zhi is kneeling and sitting in Yu Fuluo's original position, looking down at the newly made map.

"You can't go in."

"I beg you, my lords, let me in, just a little while, just a little while."

At this moment, the sound of two people talking suddenly sounded outside the door.

Deng Zhi was deep in thought, but when he heard these two voices, he was immediately displeased.Then he raised his head, looked out of the hall, and then was taken aback for a moment.

I saw a woman outside the hall begging bitterly. Judging from the meaning of the words just now, she should want to come in.However, several Hun warriors guarding the gate came forward to stop them.

And Deng Zhi was taken aback because the woman's appearance was obviously different from that of the Huns, and she was obviously a Han woman.

Suddenly, Deng Zhi felt pity.

The Han people in this royal court are all hard-working people.Especially women, I am afraid that every one of them has a miserable past.And judging by this woman's demeanor and behavior, I'm afraid she has something to ask for.As a minister of the Han Dynasty, he naturally wanted to make decisions for the Han people.

Thinking about it, Deng Zhi ordered: "Let her in."


Now that Deng Zhi is the leader of the Huns, the Huns warriors naturally did not dare to disobey Deng Zhi's order, so they immediately responded. [

Seeing this, the woman immediately showed joy.Then, he walked in quickly.

"The concubine has met Master Changshi." After entering, the woman immediately saluted Deng Zhi.It is a standard Han etiquette, which shows that this woman is not only a Han woman, but also very polite.

"Excuse me." Deng Zhi said kindly.

"Are you here, is there something wrong?" Deng Zhi opened his mouth and asked.

"I also ask Mr. Chang Shi to be the master of my family." The woman took a deep breath when she heard the words, and then bowed deeply to Deng Zhi again, and said.

Immediately afterwards, the woman told what had happened.

But it turned out to be an annoying matter. In the past, there was a minister named Cai Yong, who belonged to the great Confucianism of the time.Later, he was killed by Wang Yun.

Later, it was Li and Guo who rebelled.The Huns took advantage of the momentum and attacked Luoyang.

Cai Yong had a daughter named Cai Yan, named Zhaoji.

During the chaos, he was kidnapped to the Huns, and it has been many years in a blink of an eye.

And this woman is Cai Yan's maid, and what she asks for is very common, but also very important.Ask Mr. Chang Shi to make the decision and let her miss go back to her hometown.

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