I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2601 : Chapter 1320 Gaidai Hero's Breath

The first thousand and 320 chapters of Gai Daixiong's breath

On the prairie, the Xiongnu and Xianbei were fighting, dog biting dog. [
The 16 troops in Jinyang City were trapped to death.

This matter is very important, and it can be said that it is related to the success or failure of the battle for the state.However, Liu Feng himself was in Bingzhou, so he was beyond his reach.

Even worrying is useless.Therefore, during Deng Zhi's mission, all Liu Feng could do was to do his own thing well. [

That is to lead six groups of elite soldiers to surround Jinyang City.

It's unbelievable to say this.Six routes of elite soldiers, but only 3 people.However, an army of 16 troops was besieged in Jinyang.

Surrounded by groups.

As a result, the 16 troops in Jinyang City huddled in the city and did not dare to go out of the city to fight.If this is said, not many people are willing to believe it.Because this is really absurd, I only heard that it was surrounded by ten times, and now the guards in Jinyang City are more than five times that of the Han army, but in turn, they were surrounded by the Han army .

This is really unbelievable.

But this thing did happen.

Liu Feng's army was divided into four parts. According to the pattern of four camps, the four gates of Jinyang City were firmly blocked.

This is not an unbelievable thing, it is really step by step to where it is today.The Battle of Hedong and the Battle of Huguan had already destroyed the morale of the guards in Jinyang City.

The fighting power of the Han army in the field is invincible, and it is outrageously tyrannical.

Under such circumstances, Cheng Yu, Yu Jin and others in Jinyang City can only hide their troops in the city.

What's happening here?This is the strength of the Han army everywhere.Otherwise, how could an army of 16 be suppressed in Jinyang City with [-] elite soldiers?

Therefore, this matter is generally not believed.But if the news is confirmed, it will surely be a blockbuster, causing people all over the world to be shocked.

However, at present, no matter whether people in the world are shocked or not, it is astonishing.For the Han army, it has indeed achieved a phased victory and surrounded Jinyang City.

On this day, the sun hung high, swaying with seemingly endless light and heat.

It made the whole city of Jinyang seem to be covered with a layer of golden coat, giving it an extraordinarily majestic appearance.However, compared with this majesty, the guards on the city are much more decadent.

Many soldiers were stationed and patrolling, but they couldn't help casting their eyes outside the city. The fear and anxiety in their eyes couldn't be concealed.

Just as far as the soldiers could see, stood a large camp.This big camp is not big, not only not big, but it looks very petite and exquisite.

Because there is only one camp in this big camp.In this chaotic era with frequent wars and an astonishing number of armies dispatched, the ten armies and twenty armies were the ones at the end of Han Dynasty.

Liaisons are common.And this big camp actually has only one military camp.Judging by its scale, it can only accommodate seven to eight thousand people. [

This is just such a big camp, which makes the guards in the city terrified.Because this is the barracks of the Han army, synonymous with invincible under heaven.

Even sitting in the city did not give them a great sense of security. On the contrary, they felt very cold and trembling.

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