I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2602 : Chapter 1320 Gaidai Hero's Breath

Compared with the decadence of the guards on the city, the morale of the Han soldiers in the camp was much higher. [
The arrogance of the upper and lower sides of the city is really different.

"Da da da."

But at this moment, there was a small movement in the Han army barracks in the north.To the north of the barracks, hundreds of cavalry were galloping around a carriage.The vigorous hooves of the horses roared endlessly.


The soldiers of the Han army were already extremely alert. Seeing this strange movement, they were extremely vigilant and roared at the team.Many soldiers even bent their bows and set arrows, as if they were ready to shoot at any time.

"Don't shoot the arrows. We followed Lord Deng Zhi to the Xiongnu's guards. We were ordered by the Lord to escort a lady back to meet the general."

There was a reply from the front team.

The soldiers of the Han army who heard the voice were moved in their hearts, and when they looked up, they saw that the team in front was indeed filled with a large number of foreign cavalry.


That's all.

The Han army glanced at these foreign cavalrymen, and let out a voice of disdain in their hearts.

The Han soldiers had seen too many elite armies, and the Huns at this moment were already a bit inferior to the armies they had seen.

Naturally aroused their disdain.

And this team was indeed specially dispatched by Deng Zhi to escort Cai Yan back.After a long journey, they finally came to Jinyang.

"This is Jinyang, Bingzhou. The breath of the Han people is everywhere." On the carriage, a beautiful woman lifted the curtain and looked out.

Looking at the surrounding scenery, feeling the breath of his hometown, he showed an intoxicated expression.

It was Cai Yan.

After being away from home for many years, I finally came back.

Just when Cai Yan was intoxicated with the atmosphere of his hometown.On the other side, the Han army had sent a message to let Cai Yan and his party enter the camp.

Therefore, after a while, the carriage started again and headed for the barracks.

"What kind of a hero is the person who set things right and revitalized the dilapidated Han Dynasty to its current state?" As the carriage started, Cai Yan woke up from the intoxication, and some expectations arose in her heart.

And some nervousness.

At the same time as Haoxiong, he is also the current crown prince and the future emperor. [

As a Han Chinese, Cai Yan was naturally nervous.

Just when Cai Yan was expecting and nervous, the team slowly arrived at the center of the camp and approached Liu Feng's big tent.However, after arriving here, the team paused for a moment.

Among them, the Huns cavalry and guards were all left behind and were not allowed to approach the big tent.And Cai Yan was also invited out of the carriage, and together with a few guards, walked towards the big tent.

Of course Cai Yan had no objection to this.Along with several guards, she slowly approached the big tent.And as he slowly approached, Cai Yan's heart finally calmed down.

After all, she has experienced a lot, she is a woman who has gone through vicissitudes.

After a while, Cai Yan finally stepped into the tent and saw that person.And when Cai Yan saw that character, his heart that had calmed down suddenly trembled.

I saw a man kneeling on the handsome seat in front of him.This person is very young, only in his early twenties, and in terms of clothing, apart from better materials, it is also ordinary, not outstanding.

The only thing that stands out is the well-proportioned figure, which looks very perfect.A face, even more handsome, can seduce a girl's heart.

But such a seemingly ordinary person exudes a majestic aura like the sun, which makes people unstoppable.

What is King's Landing.

If someone had asked Cai Yan before, then Cai Yan must have said that he did not know, because he had never experienced it himself.But after today, Cai Yan will definitely be able to answer.

Because at this moment, Cai Yan felt such an aura.

This is Gai Dai Xiongjie, the current crown prince, and the king's general who helped the dilapidated Han Dynasty to its current state by single-handedly setting things right.

Liu Feng.

Sure enough, he was as young as the rumors said, ordinary people were like dragons, and he was the hero of the world.

Cai Yan stabilized his mind and let out a sigh in his heart.

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