I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2603 : Chapter 1321 Meeting with a talented woman

The first thousand and 320 chapters meeting with talented women

Cai Yan felt that Liu Feng's imposing manner was extraordinary, and he was worthy of the great reputation of the crown prince, the king's general. [
There are many beauties of the Three Kingdoms that Liu Feng can remember, Diao Chan, Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao, Zhen Shi, etc., and Zhen Shi is Liu Feng's woman.

In terms of beauty, Cai Yan may not be comparable to Zhen's, but in terms of talent, she still has the upper hand.

Cai Wenji, that is the most talented woman who has led a generation of coquettish women in the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms. [

When Liu Feng heard Cai Yan's name, he was overjoyed, and now seeing him in person, he was even more amazed.However, the only thing that makes people feel unbeautiful is Cai Yan's eyes, which lack the softness and charm of a woman, and are full of vicissitudes.

The vicissitudes of life are heartbreaking.


This nation is the enemy of the Han Dynasty, and it has been like this since ancient times.But at this moment, after seeing Cai Yan's eyes, Liu Feng felt an urge to deal with the Huns even more quickly.

"Chen Liu Cai, I have met the general."

The two just looked at each other for a while, and then, Cai Yan was the first to come to her senses. She came from a famous family and knew that it was very impolite to stare at His Highness the Crown Prince, so she quickly lowered her head and saluted Liu Feng.

"Madam is free."

Liu Feng also woke up, smiled, raised his hand and said.

"Thank you General."

Cai Yan thanked him again, then got up.

"The unrest in the Han Dynasty caused the Hu and Qiang to run rampant in the country, which caused my wife to suffer for so many years. I am alone..." After Cai Yan got up, Liu Feng opened his mouth and was about to say something apologetic.

Cai Yan's vicissitudes really make people feel the urge to say sorry.However, at the end, Liu Feng stopped again.After a while, Liu Feng said solemnly: "Don't worry, ma'am, you can live in the Central Plains with peace of mind from now on. The days of Hu Qiang's rampage are over. If the Huns dare to come again, they will wipe out the Huns alone."

What Liu Feng said was empty talk.But Cai Yan has personally experienced the strength of the Han Dynasty, and the heroism of Deng Zhi, the loyal minister of the Han Dynasty.

I also personally felt Liu Feng's aura of being the ruler of the world and the hero of the generation.Therefore, Cai Yan felt very convinced by Liu Feng's assurance.

It is a woman's business to have children, and it is a man's business to defend the country.Men in the Central Plains should be like this,

"The concubine is entrusted to the general." Cai Yan felt an unprecedented sense of security in his heart when he heard the words, so he bowed to Liu Feng and said.

Of course, this is not the kind of feeling that Cai Yan raised towards Liu Feng in his heart, Cai Yan is not so superficial.Moreover, although Cai Yan is still very beautiful, she is already in her thirties.

In this era, a 30-year-old man can call himself an old man.

Perhaps 15 years ago, when Cai Yan saw Liu Feng, he could still have the heartbeat of a girl, but now it is impossible.This entrustment is tantamount to entrusting his own family to Liu Feng. [

Of course, Liu Feng's admiration and admiration for Cai Yan's talent are limited to Cai Yan.This is an eternally famous and immortal talented woman.

Feeling Cai Yan's sincere entrustment, Liu Feng felt honored in his heart.

"To use an official word, Madam can sit back and relax." However, Liu Feng saw that the atmosphere was a little serious, so he joked half-truthfully.

Cai Yan covered her mouth and smiled when she heard the words, the smile in her eyes diluted the full of vicissitudes.

The vicissitudes in Cai Yan's eyes are really heartbreaking. Seeing Cai Yan laughing at this moment, Liu Feng also feels very happy.Immediately, Liu Feng asked Cai Yan to sit down and started talking.

We talked about classic history collections, and about poetry and songs.

Of course, Liu Feng is slightly involved in these things and is not very proficient.Cai Yan opened his mouth classically, and his words were amazing.

After talking for a while, Liu Feng immediately bowed down.

"Discussing these poems and songs in front of Madam, it's really embarrassing." Finally Liu Feng ran out of ink in his stomach, so he laughed and said.

"Poems and songs are nothing more than small ways, and the wits of the daughter's family use them to pass the time. War books and battles, historical records of strategies, Fang Zhenman's skills. Now the general uses this to gather manly spirit, aspire to the world, and create the achievements of Emperor Qin, Gaozu, and Emperor Guangwu. In my heart, the general is the real talent."

Cai Yan laughed.

"Hahahahaha." Liu Feng laughed loudly when he heard the words, and then said: "If outsiders were here, they would think that the two of us are flattering each other and talking nasty things."


Cai Yan finally burst out laughing, and it was too late to even cover it up quickly.She never thought that the supreme king and general who overwhelmed the mountains and rivers, frightened the world, was so interesting.

Speaking of which, in fact, the two of them have nothing to say.After all, the two just admire each other's talents.

If there is any common topic, it is a lie.Feeling in love is even more nonsense.

However, there was no silence between the two.Because Cai Yan quickly remembered one thing, so he said: "General, great changes have taken place on the side of the Huns."

"When I learned that my wife was coming, there were Hun cavalry guards. Gu knew it. Deng Zhi succeeded, and the Huns also sent troops to Xianbei."

Liu Feng said with a smile.

Really, before this, Liu Feng had not received any news.But when he learned that Cai Yan was coming, and it was the Huns cavalry as guards.

Liu Feng knew that Deng Zhi had succeeded.Therefore, I had a free time to chat with Cai Yan, this talented woman who is famous through the ages.Otherwise, how could Liu Feng have such leisurely feelings?

"Not only that, the Xiongnu Shanyu Fuluo was killed by Mr. Deng. The Huns were divided into ten tribes. Under the leadership of Mr. Deng, they sent troops to Xianbei." [

Seeing this, Cai Yan shook his head and said.Then, she explained in detail Deng Zhi's mission to the Huns and the results.

"I don't think that Yu Fuluo is also a vicious person. I don't think that Deng Bomiao is so brave." Liu Feng said with surprise on his face when he heard this.

Surprise, really surprise.

Liu Feng originally thought that the Xiongnu were weak and must be afraid of the threat of the Han Dynasty, so they finally surrendered.But I didn't expect that the Huns actually had vicious hearts.

Liu Feng originally thought that Deng Zhi was a great talent, that he would be a great general.But he didn't expect that Deng Zhi would be so brave, and in broad daylight, Yu Fuluo would be killed in public.

Good kill, cool kill.

It really strengthened my reputation as a big man, and it really boosted my face.

"This skill is so high that even the sun and the moon cannot cover it up. If you don't reward him, you will surely lose your trust in the world. Come, I will order Deng Zhi to be the Marquis of Wugong Township, with [-] households in the city."

Liu Feng pondered for a moment, then turned to the outside of the ledger and gave an order.


His own personal guards promised, and went down to deliver the order.

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