I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2605: Chapter 1323 Explanation

The first thousand and 320 chapter three explained

"What does this have to do with the art of war?" I thought Liu Feng would explain it directly, but unexpectedly Liu Feng involved the art of war. Dong Gai was quite puzzled. [Novel download www>

The art of war, of course, Dong Gai has read a lot of military books. This is the most basic sentence in the art of war. How can he not know?

But that's why I don't understand.

"Hahaha. So, Qing still needs to work hard." Liu Feng laughed. [

"Major General, please speak directly." Dong Gai's straightforward personality made him even more upset when he saw this, and he said directly without regard to Liu Feng's identity.

Liu Feng knew that Dong Gai had a bold personality, so no matter how much he went on, he might really get angry.So he was no longer in the fog, and said with a smile: "The law of war says that what is false is true, and what is true is false. This tells us that those who use soldiers should not remain unchanged when marching and fighting. It can often turn the false into the real. It can also turn fact into fiction. And the plan you said is just a plan that you have heard us discuss in the past, and you have used it. You have followed the example and made a plan. It cannot be said to be wrong, but it is used now. But it’s kind of inappropriate.”

"Why is it inappropriate?"

Seeing that Liu Feng was no longer confused, but opened his mouth to explain, the anger in Dong Gai's heart also disappeared. After the anger disappeared, his curiosity arose and he asked.

But I really don't understand what is out of date.

"The law of war says that cutting off the enemy's food road and cutting off the enemy's return route is the best strategy. Now, we have sent troops to merge the state alone, and we have walked all the way. Could it be that we acted in accordance with this sentence. After walking all the way, we finally came to the present, and the more than [-] troops in the state It can be said that it has succeeded. But does this mean that there is a [-]% chance of winning? The sages said that whether the plan is successful or not, [-]% depends on people and [-]% depends on heaven This statement is exactly the so-called unpredictability of the sky. The sages planned great things, but they did not dare to say that the plan will be successful, but they are sincere and fearful. The promise depends on the sky. How about me?"

As he spoke, Liu Feng's expression became more serious, and he told Dong Gai these truths in a professorial tone.

"Could it be that there are still loopholes in our siege of Bingzhou?" Dong Gai was quite surprised when he heard the words.Really surprised, the way back was cut off, and the food road was also cut off.Bingzhou was nothing more than a prison, even if Cheng Yu still had an army of 16, there would definitely be no storms.

But according to Liu Feng's tone, there is still a variable.How could this not surprise Dong Gai.Out of surprise, Dong Gai asked again: "What kind of flaw is it? Please tell me, the general."

Liu Feng also knew that according to Dong Gai's current experience, wisdom, it is really difficult for him to understand.He could only sigh, and said: "The law of war says that death is rebirth. Sun Tzu once cut his own life and was able to defeat the enemy. The current situation is already hopeless for Cheng Yu in Jinyang City. He doesn't have to cut his own life. The conditions of the grandson were met. If he incited the soldiers to fight to the death, he might be able to turn the situation around. If this is not a variable, what is it? And under such circumstances, if Qing's strategy is used, it will undoubtedly make the defenders even more vulnerable. Despair allows Cheng Yu to boost morale even more powerfully, as the basis for turning defeat into victory. Isn't this adding fuel to the fire, so stupid?"

"This, I will be ashamed at the end."

Before listening to Liu Feng's explanation, Dong Gai was not convinced, but after hearing Liu Feng's explanation, Dong Gai was dumbfounded and terrified.

According to Liu Feng's explanation, wouldn't his strategy be shooting himself in the foot?The so-called success is not enough to fail, that's it.

The consequences were so serious, not only did Liu Feng not scold him, but he explained it.

This, this, this really made Dong Gai feel ashamed.

But immediately after, Dong Gai suppressed the shame in his heart.It's not that Dong Gai has a thick skin and can adapt so quickly.But at this moment Dong Gai's heart was replaced by don't worry.

"If according to what the general said, Cheng Yu is now in despair. Even if he doesn't use the bad plan of the last general to add fuel to the fire, he can still incite the soldiers to fight to the death. Isn't this dangerous?" Dong Gai asked anxiously.

But it turned out that he was worried about the changes in the situation, and he was afraid that his success would fall short in the end.


Liu Feng burst out laughing when he heard the words, while Jia Xu and Liu Ye also opened their mouths to chuckle.

"Here, General, two military advisers, I am very dull, I don't know the key to it. But since you all know, then don't play tricks on the general, let the general know quickly." Dong Gai saw This is really anxious, and finally begged for mercy.

"The wonderful thing is the matter of the grassland." Dong Gai is the most loyal, how can Liu Feng have the heart to play tricks?Just now, I just wanted to guide Dong Gai step by step to see the situation clearly and understand why my strategy was adding fuel to the fire, so I talked to Dong Gai in such a circle.

Now that the explanation has been finished, Dong Gai will naturally not be so anxious.Therefore, Liu Feng said with a smile: "The wonderful thing is the matter of the grassland."

Immediately, he explained: "Guess Cheng Yu wants to use the grassland as a food road to obtain food and continue to fight against the Han army. Therefore, it is very likely that he will send envoys to Xianbei to ask the powerful Xianbei people to come forward to protect the food supply." Dao. Anxious about this guess, Gu sent Deng Zhi to go there. Deng Zhi also completed the task brilliantly, not only inciting the Huns to intercept and kill the Xianbei people, but also slaughtered Yu Fuluo who had evil thoughts about the Han Dynasty. It can be said that the situation is greatly beneficial to us. But we got the news first, so we know. But does Cheng Yu know? He must have some hope in his heart, hoping that his envoys can lead the Xianbei people to come forward. Maintain the food path. Thus, life is born. Since you have hope in your heart, then you will not do your last fight. He will not come out to die."

Speaking of this, Liu Feng's words are already very clear.Unless you are really stupid, you will not fail to understand this truth.

Dong Gai is just rough and fierce, of course he is not really stupid.

So Dong Gai understood, and saw a thoughtful look on his face, and finally realized suddenly: "So it is like this, so it is like this."

"Since there is still a glimmer of hope in Cheng Yu's heart, we must let him maintain this glimmer of hope. Not only can we not let them know that the Huns have risen against the Xianbei, but we must also conceal and block this news. Let Cheng Yu slow down in despair. Die slowly. This is the same as boiling frogs in warm water. Hahaha, so it is, so it is."

At the end, Dong Gai laughed out loud, quite excited.For the matter of his own oolong just now, he has long forgotten completely.

Dong Gai is such a bold and scheming person.

"That's the truth."

Seeing that Dong Gai finally understood, Liu Feng finally showed an appreciative smile and said with a smile.

As for Jia Xu next to him, Liu Ye also nodded with a smile, quite pleased.

This immediately made Dong Gai blush. He remembered that he had made an own goal just now, and almost failed to succeed, and more than once failed.

It's really embarrassing.

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