I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2606 : Chapter 1324 Joy and anger

The first thousand 320 chapter four joy and anger

"Now that it's clear, let's go down and pass the order. [
The explanation was also finished, and Dong Gai understood the truth again, Liu Feng finally put away the rest of his thoughts, and solemnly ordered.


Seeing Liu Feng's order, Dong Gai subconsciously agreed.But then he looked stunned for a moment, and then wondered: "General, the current number of the army is only 3 from the Sixth Army. Under such circumstances, how can we mobilize enough scouts to cover the entire Bingzhou?" Layout, what about blocking news?" [

"Mobilize the defenders of Hedong County to help." Liu Feng thought about it, so he pondered for a moment and said.

But now that the situation has been settled, the thousands of defenders in Hedong County are meaningless. It is better to mobilize them to block the news.

Help get the whole merged state.


Seeing that the matter was settled, Dong Gai promised again, turned and left.

And as Dong Gai moved, Liu Feng's order was quickly passed on, and the spies of the entire army quickly mobilized to surround Jinyang City,

Even an enemy spy might find it difficult to enter Jinyang.At the same time, another fast horse went to Hedong to mobilize the army.

If thousands of defenders from Hedong County joined the deployment, it is conceivable that Jinyang City would become deaf and blind, and there would be no news from outside.Naturally, they couldn't accept the great changes of the Huns, and the war between the Huns and the Xianbei, so the Xianbei couldn't care about the news.

While waiting for the news, Momo died, probably the more than [-] defenders in Jinyang City would end up in the end.

"Obtain Bingzhou, and eliminate more than [-] soldiers from the three northern countries. Gu, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Hahaha." After conveying the order, Liu Feng was also in a good mood, and he opened his mouth and laughed.

His expression was indescribably relaxed.

The acquisition of Bingzhou not only added another state to the Han Dynasty, but also wiped out the people of the four eastern countries and the vital forces of the three northern countries.It laid the foundation for the subsequent annihilation of the Three Kingdoms.

This is from an offensive point of view, and from another point of view, after this blow, the three northern countries may not be able to integrate their forces for decades to carry out an effective attack on the Han Dynasty.

In this way, it means that with the strength of the Han Dynasty today, they can already sit back and relax.Rest easy.For Liu Feng, that was so rare.

Up to now, Liu Feng still remembers that when he was in Xudu, he was oppressed and threatened by Cao Cao all the time, it was a feeling of precarity.

When he was in Xinye, Liu Feng also worked diligently under the watchful eyes of Sun Ce, Liu Biao, Zhang Lu, and Cao Ren, like walking on thin ice.

Even later, after Liu Feng went to the north to dominate, Ma Teng, Han Sui, Liu Zhang and others would suffer from future troubles.Even not long ago, Liu Feng successfully wiped out Ma Teng, Han Sui, Liu Zhang and others, eliminated future troubles, and finally fought for the unification of the world.

Liu Feng still cannot be said to sit back and relax.

Because Sun Ce, Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, Gongsun Du and others in the east still occupy half of the states and counties in the world, and their active forces, the army, are as many as hundreds of thousands. [

They are all brave and good at fighting.

Under such circumstances, how could Liu Feng say anything to rest easy?

But now it's different. After acquiring Bingzhou and eliminating more than [-] troops in Jinyang City, the strength of the three northern countries has been reduced to the lowest point.

In today's troubled times, strong men are rare.Unless decades later, the Three Kingdoms can gather the power of more than one hundred thousand troops again.And decades later, can Liu Feng allow other forces to exist decades later?

So, after this time, I really can sit back and relax.

Except for these last few steps, it can be said that I own the world.Liu Feng laughed out loud because of this.

Living in troubled times, it is really not easy to get to this point, not easy.

"Congratulations, General, Kyushu is in sight."

"Gaozu, the achievements of Emperor Guangwu are in hand."

Seeing Liu Feng in a good mood, Jia Xu and Liu Ye bowed involuntarily.The tone is full of sincerity.Whether it is Jia Xu or Liu Ye, they are all counselors gathered under Liu Feng's command during Liu Feng's step-by-step war.

They were all loyal to others before, and they never thought that the Han Dynasty could get up again after being beaten down.And in the hands of Liu Feng, the Han Dynasty was revitalized.

Because, at this moment, their hearts are full of emotions, so what they said is extremely sincere.Kyushu is in sight, and the world is in sight.

The great achievements of Emperor Gaozu and Emperor Guangwu are also in sight.

The name goes down in the history books, the world dominates, and it's here.

This is because of Liu Feng's efforts to reach this step.


Even if it was naked flattery, Liu Feng would still accept it all when he was in a happy mood.Not to mention, these words, what Jia Xu and Liu Ye said were extremely sincere, without any hypocrisy, and they were also in line with the facts.Liu Feng was even happier when he heard this, and his natural laughter became louder and louder.

Life is alive, hegemony is in hand, laugh when you should laugh, and get angry when you should be angry.Laughing will disturb the nine heavens, and the mountains will roar and tsunamis.In anger, there will be millions of dead bodies, and blood will flow like rivers.This is the real king.


Among the Han army, Liu Feng received news from the Huns and issued orders step by step, moving towards the goal of unifying the world step by step.

I only feel that the winning ticket is in my hands, and I smile because I feel it.

The hearty and heroic laughter not only filled the entire Chinese military tent, but also spread far and wide.Many soldiers could hear Liu Feng's hearty laughter. [

Liu Fenggui is the crown prince, but he does martial arts.Became the king's great general, in charge of killing and conquering the world for many years.Fight step by step, fight step by step.

This made Liu Feng not only win the hearts of the people, but also the hearts of the army.

It is not easy to win the military spirit, but the soldiers of the entire army are almost willing to shed their blood for Liu Feng, facing the mountains of swords and seas of fire, they will not even blink their brows.

Their moods also changed according to Liu Feng's mood. When Liu Feng was angry, they were also angry, and they ruthlessly killed the person Liu Feng was angry with.

Liu Fengxi, they are also happy, very happy.

Now Liu Feng laughed heartily, with arrogance overwhelming the sky, and the soldiers were also inexplicably happy, and became inexplicably hearty and arrogant.This mood caused some changes in the momentum of the entire army.

Morale is on the rise, climbing high.

It can be said that the entire army has changed because of Liu Feng's laughter, and this change is excellent.Relatively speaking, the momentum in Jinyang City is as weak as it is weak.

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